hey just like a heads up
Posted a year agoNot sure if this guys a scammer or just, someone whos weird but this dude
DanceBerry guessed my discord username and after being kinda weird tried offering writing a story for me
From the looks of it dudes been sending friend requests to a lot of people so just a heads up if they offer you a story. No idea if its legit but they blocked me right after I told them to check my gallery and said I wasn't really interested

From the looks of it dudes been sending friend requests to a lot of people so just a heads up if they offer you a story. No idea if its legit but they blocked me right after I told them to check my gallery and said I wasn't really interested
More organization
Posted 2 years agoDecided to sit down and organize all my stuff by 3 categories
I'll prolly go through and add more when I have enough of a specific thing to tag it as!
I'll prolly go through and add more when I have enough of a specific thing to tag it as!
Uploading more stuff!
Posted 2 years agoI have no idea why but desptie my main kink being transformation I exponentially more vore art compared to transformation x3
I should fix that ngl..
Uploaded a bit more stuff! Rearranging how my art is shared, more stuff being moved forward from scraps now
I should fix that ngl..
Uploaded a bit more stuff! Rearranging how my art is shared, more stuff being moved forward from scraps now
Uploads and reformatting
Posted 2 years agoUploading some stuff and shifting around all the 'funny' stuff into scraps just so my gallery isn't a mess right off the bat