Opening for Commissions and Something else
Posted 6 days ago So, I decided to open commissions after some thought. I have taken commissions before, but many of them have been private; this is the first time doing so for everyone interested!
I don't have a deadline! But I will provide you with constant updates once I start with your painting, so here are some specifics about what to expect when commissioning me:
1. Price: (Look at my gallery for examples!): 60-70 USD (Depending on angle, pose, character design, etc. price might be lower depending on the same thing, so if you have any questions, ask).
For extra characters, there'll be an increase of 30/40 USD according to the same ideas as above
The same rule applies to "panels" or scenes in the same drawing.
If there are any questions, please send me a note or, better yet, send me a DM over on Discord: you can find me as darnaly
There won't be any refunds once the artwork is finished. I can add or modify some details as the painting is being worked on; big changes in poses or angles will require extra payment.
If my own character is included in your drawing, I may offer a discount! So, keep that in mind
I can only accept PayPal, as many other services aren't available in my country. Payment will be required once a sketch is approved and before I start coloring/shading
2. Look at the multiple recent drawings I've done for references of what I can do. The following is a list of the stuff I like to draw and have some experience with:
►Oral vore
►Fat, obese, really fat characters, especially females
►Belches, burps, gurgling sounds
►Bones, digestion
►Soul vore
►Weight gain, fat round bellies
►Dragons, dragons, dragons
►Tasteful nudity (female) is fine for the most part, but still ask
►Really big rears (Quadruped)
Things that I won't draw are here, without exceptions:
►Explicit nudity (male parts/bits, herm, etc.)
►Under age characters (and no given excuse works)
►Explicit sex
►No humans (I have nothing against them, but it's just not my thing)
►No exact characters from popular media
3. You must provide a ref of your character; I can't work well with written references
I won't take commissions from freshly created accounts
4. Discarded sketches can be used by me for other purposes
5. I hope this doesn't happen but if the commissioner is being disrespectful, spamming messages or overall causing problems, I'll have to cancel the commission.
I will notify the selected commissioners in the following two weeks (March 23rd) or when 6 commissions are accepted, refer to this journal or ask to see if I'm still open. Send me a message with your idea and character ref and I'll try to reply as soon as I can!
Taken slots:

2. rhythmagic (Discord)


6. rhythmagic (Discord)
So, about the "something else" I'll also be opening a single request to "commemorate" 600 watchers, if you want to take a chance at this, just comment here and I'll give you a number, share this journal around for an extra chance c:
I'll make a raffle by the end of the next week on March 16th
Doing some sketch requests c:
Posted a year agoSooooo, I'm planning to do more sketches and stuff to practice before actually getting to color more stuff, so I'm planning to do sketches similar to this one ( with a bit of shading and not that detailed I guess, so if you're interested send me a note or a message to discord (I'm darnaly over there), I don't know how many of these I'll make but at least I'll make around 6 like the previous time. So I'll just copy/paste pretty much the same indications as the last time, I'll make a journal deciding on sunday, so that's that b:
1. Send all information regarding your request in one message only (and please don't spam me with notes or messages, I can take a while to answer haha)
2. Send the idea of your request (try to include as much details as possible, like pose, background, context and maybe questions if you have them), I'll answer as soon as I can.
3. You need to have at least one pic of your character, or have a really detailed written description, bear in mind that pics will have preference over written ones.
4. About the things that I'll draw, take a look at my gallery and see if it's the kind of stuff you like as well, I draw pretty "vanilla" stuff but feel free to ask, some of the topics I'm willing to draw are:
►Oral vore
►Fat, obese, really fat characters, especially females
►Belches, burps, gurgling sounds
►Bones, digestion
►Soul vore (really interested in that, but not sure how to do it haha)
►Weight gain, fat round bellies
►Reptiles (I don't have a lot of experience with mammals so results may vary)
►Tasteful nudity is fine for the most part but still ask
►Mild gore (Again, interested in drawing it but not sure how to approach it)
►Multiple preds in vorish situations
►Really big rears (anthro or quadruped)
And to keep it short that's most of what I've drawn so far but feel free to ask about more particular details.
5. This is really important I won't be drawing popular media characters like Pokémon, HTTYD, Digimon and all that sort, character must be your own original idea or based around all those things, the character needs to be different enough to be considered a different character. If you have doubts about this just ask. I have nothing against those that have OC's like that but I just don't feel comfortable drawing them given all the implications around them.
5.1 Things that I won't draw are here, without exceptions:
►Explicit nudity (male parts/bits, herm, etc.)
►Under age characters (and no given excuse works)
►Explicit sex
►No humans (again, I have nothing against them but it's just not my thing)
6. I don't have a deadline for any given drawing, they will take different periods of time depending on the complexity of the drawing, character and my free time haha
7. Watch me and share this journal so more people can see about this c:
Following the short list will increase your odds of being picked for a request.
I will be picking the requests during the whole week and post later the list.
Extra stuff to keep in mind:
1. Some people have asked if I do commissions or take donations, at the moment I don't but maybe I will open for commissions if enough people are interested in my drawings.
2. Once you are picked for a request I'll send you a note/message so we can work out more details about the request, I will be sending WIPS unless you don't want them for some reason.
3. You'll get a file in high resolution of the drawing at the end.
4. You can ask for changes during the sketching progress though it'll be harder to make as the drawing progresses so don't be afraid to call me out if I get something wrong.
5. Discarded sketches can be used by me for other purposes
6. I hope this doesn't happen but if the requester is being disrespectful, spamming messages or overall causing problems I'll have to cancel the request.
7. If you want a trade or something similar ask as well, I don't mind and it'll probably have priority over regular requests
Anything else not mentioned here can be asked here in the comments, just be patient with me as I don't have a lot of time to be here.
And lastly, I'm only doing a request per person, unless a lot of time has passed and/or there's space available for them.
And also also, I'll probably color the ones that I like the most, though not sure when or if that'll happen
1. Send all information regarding your request in one message only (and please don't spam me with notes or messages, I can take a while to answer haha)
2. Send the idea of your request (try to include as much details as possible, like pose, background, context and maybe questions if you have them), I'll answer as soon as I can.
3. You need to have at least one pic of your character, or have a really detailed written description, bear in mind that pics will have preference over written ones.
4. About the things that I'll draw, take a look at my gallery and see if it's the kind of stuff you like as well, I draw pretty "vanilla" stuff but feel free to ask, some of the topics I'm willing to draw are:
►Oral vore
►Fat, obese, really fat characters, especially females
►Belches, burps, gurgling sounds
►Bones, digestion
►Soul vore (really interested in that, but not sure how to do it haha)
►Weight gain, fat round bellies
►Reptiles (I don't have a lot of experience with mammals so results may vary)
►Tasteful nudity is fine for the most part but still ask
►Mild gore (Again, interested in drawing it but not sure how to approach it)
►Multiple preds in vorish situations
►Really big rears (anthro or quadruped)
And to keep it short that's most of what I've drawn so far but feel free to ask about more particular details.
5. This is really important I won't be drawing popular media characters like Pokémon, HTTYD, Digimon and all that sort, character must be your own original idea or based around all those things, the character needs to be different enough to be considered a different character. If you have doubts about this just ask. I have nothing against those that have OC's like that but I just don't feel comfortable drawing them given all the implications around them.
5.1 Things that I won't draw are here, without exceptions:
►Explicit nudity (male parts/bits, herm, etc.)
►Under age characters (and no given excuse works)
►Explicit sex
►No humans (again, I have nothing against them but it's just not my thing)
6. I don't have a deadline for any given drawing, they will take different periods of time depending on the complexity of the drawing, character and my free time haha
7. Watch me and share this journal so more people can see about this c:
Following the short list will increase your odds of being picked for a request.
I will be picking the requests during the whole week and post later the list.
Extra stuff to keep in mind:
1. Some people have asked if I do commissions or take donations, at the moment I don't but maybe I will open for commissions if enough people are interested in my drawings.
2. Once you are picked for a request I'll send you a note/message so we can work out more details about the request, I will be sending WIPS unless you don't want them for some reason.
3. You'll get a file in high resolution of the drawing at the end.
4. You can ask for changes during the sketching progress though it'll be harder to make as the drawing progresses so don't be afraid to call me out if I get something wrong.
5. Discarded sketches can be used by me for other purposes
6. I hope this doesn't happen but if the requester is being disrespectful, spamming messages or overall causing problems I'll have to cancel the request.
7. If you want a trade or something similar ask as well, I don't mind and it'll probably have priority over regular requests
Anything else not mentioned here can be asked here in the comments, just be patient with me as I don't have a lot of time to be here.
And lastly, I'm only doing a request per person, unless a lot of time has passed and/or there's space available for them.
And also also, I'll probably color the ones that I like the most, though not sure when or if that'll happen
Chosen Requests c:
Posted 2 years agoSorry for the delay, but anyways, here are the chosen requests, I used a bit of randomness to choose in the end (using this thing since I had some nice ideas and a lot of entries so yeah, sorry if I didn't pick your request but I'll be doing more so you can try again once I'm done with the current ones, so here is the list:
I'll be messaging you in that order once I have a sketch for you, so be patient with me, I'm already doing some stuff and it might take some time but I'll get things done.
As a bit of a side note I must mention, the sooner you answer me back (regarding wips, changes, details, etc.) the faster I can get things done since I can only draw at specific times and mostly at nights so I have little time to do it, so keep that in mind.
Again, sorry to those that didn't get picked but I can't pick everyone </3






I'll be messaging you in that order once I have a sketch for you, so be patient with me, I'm already doing some stuff and it might take some time but I'll get things done.
As a bit of a side note I must mention, the sooner you answer me back (regarding wips, changes, details, etc.) the faster I can get things done since I can only draw at specific times and mostly at nights so I have little time to do it, so keep that in mind.
Again, sorry to those that didn't get picked but I can't pick everyone </3
Last chance for requests c:
Posted 2 years agoHey everyone, tomorrow I'll be picking requests, I have received quite a bit of them and have read everything that's been sent
Tomorrow at around this hour I'll post another journal with the chosen requests and start messaging some of you so be patient with me
If you want to give it a try send your idea through a DM here or on discord: Darna#0501
And please read the details here:
Tomorrow at around this hour I'll post another journal with the chosen requests and start messaging some of you so be patient with me
If you want to give it a try send your idea through a DM here or on discord: Darna#0501
And please read the details here:
Opening for 6 Requests (Closed)
Posted 2 years agoHello everyone interested, 'll be doing 6 requestsI, quality will be the one shown in my latest drawings, so first look at that if interested, this isn't first come, first served, last time I did I got a bunch of notes and it was pretty disorganized so I'm trying to avoid that by doing this and there are a few "rules" so keep that in mind since, if you ignore them, it will only cause communication problems and make things slower for everyone and so, here are the rules (more like a procedure I guess):
1. Send all information regarding your request in one message only (and please don't spam me with notes or messages, I can take a while to answer haha)
You can send me a note through here or at my Discord: Darna#0501, this one is mostly for notes because of how FA works haha
2. Send the idea of your request (try to include as much details as possible, like pose, background, context and maybe questions if you have them), I'll answer as soon as I can.
3. You need to have at least one pic of your character, or have a really detailed written description, bear in mind that pics will have preference over written ones.
4. About the things that I'll draw, take a look at my gallery and see if it's the kind of stuff you like as well, I draw pretty "vanilla" stuff but feel free to ask, some of the topics I'm willing to draw are:
►Oral vore
►Fat, obese, really fat characters, especially females
►Belches, burps, gurgling sounds
►Bones, digestion
►Soul vore (really interested in that, but not sure how to do it haha)
►Weight gain, fat round bellies
►Reptiles (I don't have a lot of experience with mammals so results may vary)
►Tasteful nudity is fine for the most part but still ask
►Mild gore (Again, interested in drawing it but not sure how to approach it)
►Multiple preds in vorish situations
►Really big rears (anthro or quadruped)
And to keep it short that's most of what I've drawn so far but feel free to ask about more particular details.
5. This is really important I won't be drawing popular media characters like Pokémon, HTTYD, Digimon and all that sort, character must be your own original idea or based around all those things, the character needs to be different enough to be considered a different character. If you have doubts about this just ask. I have nothing against those that have OC's like that but I just don't feel comfortable drawing them given all the implications around them.
5.1 Things that I won't draw are here, without exceptions:
►Explicit nudity (male parts/bits, herm, etc.)
►Under age characters (and no given excuse works)
►Explicit sex
►No humans (again, I have nothing against them but it's just not my thing)
6. I don't have a deadline for any given drawing, they will take different periods of time depending on the complexity of the drawing, character and my free time haha
7. Watch me and share this journal so more people can see about this c:
Following the short list will increase your odds of being picked for a request.
I will be picking the requests during the whole week and post later the list.
Extra stuff to keep in mind:
1. Some people have asked if I do commissions or take donations, at the moment I don't but maybe I will open for commissions if enough people are interested in my drawings.
2. Once you are picked for a request I'll send you a note/message so we can work out more details about the request, I will be sending WIPS unless you don't want them for some reason.
3. You'll get a file in high resolution of the drawing at the end.
4. You can ask for changes during the sketching progress though it'll be harder to make as the drawing progresses so don't be afraid to call me out if I get something wrong.
5. Discarded sketches can be used by me for other purposes
6. I hope this doesn't happen but if the requester is being disrespectful, spamming messages or overall causing problems I'll have to cancel the request.
7. If you want a trade or something similar ask as well, I don't mind and it'll probably have priority over regular requests
Anything else not mentioned here can be asked here in the comments, just be patient with me as I don't have a lot of time to be here.
And lastly, I'm only doing a request per person, unless a lot of time has passed and/or there's space available for them.
1. Send all information regarding your request in one message only (and please don't spam me with notes or messages, I can take a while to answer haha)
You can send me a note through here or at my Discord: Darna#0501, this one is mostly for notes because of how FA works haha
2. Send the idea of your request (try to include as much details as possible, like pose, background, context and maybe questions if you have them), I'll answer as soon as I can.
3. You need to have at least one pic of your character, or have a really detailed written description, bear in mind that pics will have preference over written ones.
4. About the things that I'll draw, take a look at my gallery and see if it's the kind of stuff you like as well, I draw pretty "vanilla" stuff but feel free to ask, some of the topics I'm willing to draw are:
►Oral vore
►Fat, obese, really fat characters, especially females
►Belches, burps, gurgling sounds
►Bones, digestion
►Soul vore (really interested in that, but not sure how to do it haha)
►Weight gain, fat round bellies
►Reptiles (I don't have a lot of experience with mammals so results may vary)
►Tasteful nudity is fine for the most part but still ask
►Mild gore (Again, interested in drawing it but not sure how to approach it)
►Multiple preds in vorish situations
►Really big rears (anthro or quadruped)
And to keep it short that's most of what I've drawn so far but feel free to ask about more particular details.
5. This is really important I won't be drawing popular media characters like Pokémon, HTTYD, Digimon and all that sort, character must be your own original idea or based around all those things, the character needs to be different enough to be considered a different character. If you have doubts about this just ask. I have nothing against those that have OC's like that but I just don't feel comfortable drawing them given all the implications around them.
5.1 Things that I won't draw are here, without exceptions:
►Explicit nudity (male parts/bits, herm, etc.)
►Under age characters (and no given excuse works)
►Explicit sex
►No humans (again, I have nothing against them but it's just not my thing)
6. I don't have a deadline for any given drawing, they will take different periods of time depending on the complexity of the drawing, character and my free time haha
7. Watch me and share this journal so more people can see about this c:
Following the short list will increase your odds of being picked for a request.
I will be picking the requests during the whole week and post later the list.
Extra stuff to keep in mind:
1. Some people have asked if I do commissions or take donations, at the moment I don't but maybe I will open for commissions if enough people are interested in my drawings.
2. Once you are picked for a request I'll send you a note/message so we can work out more details about the request, I will be sending WIPS unless you don't want them for some reason.
3. You'll get a file in high resolution of the drawing at the end.
4. You can ask for changes during the sketching progress though it'll be harder to make as the drawing progresses so don't be afraid to call me out if I get something wrong.
5. Discarded sketches can be used by me for other purposes
6. I hope this doesn't happen but if the requester is being disrespectful, spamming messages or overall causing problems I'll have to cancel the request.
7. If you want a trade or something similar ask as well, I don't mind and it'll probably have priority over regular requests
Anything else not mentioned here can be asked here in the comments, just be patient with me as I don't have a lot of time to be here.
And lastly, I'm only doing a request per person, unless a lot of time has passed and/or there's space available for them.
Hey everyone, I'm looking for ideas b:
Posted 3 years agoI'm still trying to practice my drawings, (I know they're still pretty bad) but feel like I've been drawing pretty similar stuff so if anyone's got some ideas for me to try drawing I'd love to hear them, I don't think I'm skilled enough to draw other's characters yet, but if you're okay with it also let me know so I can try drawing something nice related to them (not pokémon, digimon or any other "media" characters please), guess you could say I'm doing some "requests", just send a note or comment below your idea or whatever (assuming this gets someone's interest of course b:)
And sorry if I take some time to reply, don't have as much time as I used to have but will definetely try reading everyone's comments also can't promise to try drawing every single thing (assuming this gets someone's interest, again b:)
I'm looking for ideas pretty much all the time so ignore the date of this journal
And sorry if I take some time to reply, don't have as much time as I used to have but will definetely try reading everyone's comments also can't promise to try drawing every single thing (assuming this gets someone's interest, again b:)
I'm looking for ideas pretty much all the time so ignore the date of this journal