Posted 2 weeks agoThe Subpocalypse Everything is Subscription Based and Breaks Easy CraftyThoughts
#CraftyArts #commentary #artwork
Everything is a subscription service and built to break sooner. it's getting more and more ugly out there.
I am CraftyAndy A loony toony artist sharing my thoughts and stories through my writing and artwork. I am independent and rely on no billion dollar corporation or sponsors, share me around please.
Prints, Stickers, T Shirts
Patreon HiRes Artwork, early works.
Furries and Weirdness?
Squigs Weasel Live GAMING, highlights and original videos
I Lurk Elsewhere
I also do work for
and "Diamond in The Rough" seen on
We Are Meat
Posted a month ago#CraftyArts #commentary #workersrights
No matter our social status at the end of the day we have more in common with each other then the owners have with any of us. Even the most isolated ignorant person has more in common. How do we reach out the millions of people who’s only window to the greater world is their tv and internet connection? Focus on what we have in common. Everyone wants a better world for themselves and their loved ones and how that desire gets reduced down to targeting the individuals with the least amount of power is something I still struggle to grasp. Especially with the more I read up on in terms of history and understanding power structures.
I am CraftyAndy A loony toony artist sharing my thoughts and stories through my writing and artwork. I am independent and rely on no billion dollar corporation or sponsors, share me around please. Prints, Stickers, T Shirts Patreon HiRes Artwork, early works. Furries and Weirdness? Squigs Weasel Live GAMING, highlights and original videos I Lurk Elsewhere I also do work for and "Diamond in The Rough" seen on
Coming up
Posted 2 months agoSo after I catch up on a number of Onion Nuggetz clips, including one spicy furry related segment
Next is to start laying out the videos for CraftyArts. There is a lot I Have been setting on the back burner for years that is finally going to see the light of day.
Then will be moving on to WeirdZoRs and Paws off videos
Store is up and running , made my first sale! woop woop
Posted using PostyBirb
Next is to start laying out the videos for CraftyArts. There is a lot I Have been setting on the back burner for years that is finally going to see the light of day.
Then will be moving on to WeirdZoRs and Paws off videos
Store is up and running , made my first sale! woop woop
Posted using PostyBirb
Metallica So What Furry Music Video
Posted 7 months agoDreamed this up in 2011 and now it's fully realized
Projects future
Posted a year agoThings are underway...I miss video games. Anyways so here are the videos and art pieces underway
telegram group
Motor City Furcon Highlights
Furry Weekend Atlanta Highlights
Anthrocon Highlights
So What (metallica) Music Video (scripted)
Zoology (Funk Rust Brass Band) Music Video (scripted)
Be Your Weird Selves (wip)
You'll Always Be Screwed up (scripted)
Yiff Lord (scripted)
Dad Catches Son Doging Around (comic)
We Don't Need Live Action Remakes (scripted)
Lets Talk About Furries While I Draw Some (recored)
The Demons Closing In (recorded)
I Know You (scripted)
Years of Hell (recored)
Bad Vox Machina Reviews (editing)
Monsters (scripted)
Jord Peterson vs Deep Fat Fried (recorded)
Reflections (scripted)
When The Furries Take Over
When The Trans Take Over
The Ex-Gay Experience (1st draft complete)
Posted using PostyBirb
telegram group
Motor City Furcon Highlights
Furry Weekend Atlanta Highlights
Anthrocon Highlights
So What (metallica) Music Video (scripted)
Zoology (Funk Rust Brass Band) Music Video (scripted)
Be Your Weird Selves (wip)
You'll Always Be Screwed up (scripted)
Yiff Lord (scripted)
Dad Catches Son Doging Around (comic)
We Don't Need Live Action Remakes (scripted)
Lets Talk About Furries While I Draw Some (recored)
The Demons Closing In (recorded)
I Know You (scripted)
Years of Hell (recored)
Bad Vox Machina Reviews (editing)
Monsters (scripted)
Jord Peterson vs Deep Fat Fried (recorded)
Reflections (scripted)
When The Furries Take Over
When The Trans Take Over
The Ex-Gay Experience (1st draft complete)
Posted using PostyBirb
Thumbnail removed Ai art???
Posted 2 years agoWell I guess cause it featured a screen shot of corridor digitals original creation thats why the thumbnail got removed but ok, good luck telling the difference and get ready for false accusations of digital works being ai I guess.
anyways here is the live stream we did recently going over the butthurt
anyways here is the live stream we did recently going over the butthurt
Join in motor city furcon video march 26
Posted 2 years agoVid proposal
going to Motor city furcon (michigan)l US) looking to film some scenes for planned music videos for the song "So What" by Anti-Nowhere League covered by Metallica.
And zoology by "Funk Rust Brass Band"
The first calls for a fight club like scene with a bunch of furs gathered in a circle with a 1v1 fight taking place. Like fight club with furries
Aiming for sunday after closing ceremonies meeting around there at 6pm we find a spot inside or out to film it. should only take an hour i imagine, will have me and one of my husbands helping with filming
Dm me if coming and interested so we can keep in touch and will possibly make a temporary group for it
Here are some past endeavors SKIBIDI BY LiTTLE BIG
AND Everything by Nine inch nails
going to Motor city furcon (michigan)l US) looking to film some scenes for planned music videos for the song "So What" by Anti-Nowhere League covered by Metallica.
And zoology by "Funk Rust Brass Band"
The first calls for a fight club like scene with a bunch of furs gathered in a circle with a 1v1 fight taking place. Like fight club with furries
Aiming for sunday after closing ceremonies meeting around there at 6pm we find a spot inside or out to film it. should only take an hour i imagine, will have me and one of my husbands helping with filming
Dm me if coming and interested so we can keep in touch and will possibly make a temporary group for it
Here are some past endeavors SKIBIDI BY LiTTLE BIG
AND Everything by Nine inch nails
What is happening
Posted 2 years ago#artist #artistoftwitter As I upload all my past and to my most recent works I will be working on a number of bigger more personal videos for my youtube channels CraftyArts
& WeirdZoRs
live streaming research & creation process on
Squigs Weasel will be streaming video games on
and posting commentary, clips, highlights on PAWS OFF
Posted using PostyBirb
& WeirdZoRs
live streaming research & creation process on
Squigs Weasel will be streaming video games on
and posting commentary, clips, highlights on PAWS OFF
Posted using PostyBirb
What Muppet Should Fuck Elon in The Mouth Twitter poll
Posted 2 years agoPLaces for streaming
Posted 3 years agoAlright after some arguing within my brain to simplify things and probably make the youtube algorithm happy. All streams will be on the original Rotten Egg Creations channel here
Leaving finished videos to be posted on their respected channels.
The focus will be focusing on getting projects done, I already see that streaming helps keeps me from being distracted, I still reserve a few days dedicated to gaming for friday and monday. no reason to juggle multiple different places for streaming. It'll make things easier in terms of interactivity and gaining an audience.
Leaving finished videos to be posted on their respected channels.
The focus will be focusing on getting projects done, I already see that streaming helps keeps me from being distracted, I still reserve a few days dedicated to gaming for friday and monday. no reason to juggle multiple different places for streaming. It'll make things easier in terms of interactivity and gaining an audience.
Deep Fat Fried Talent Show Art Making
Posted 3 years agoonwards to 2022
Posted 3 years agoWhat can I say...I could complain about not being a full time creator but it’s trivial in comparison to how bad things could be. The learning never stops, I want to be a better artist and writer. There is no way to turn this off, I’d go crazy if there was no time for creativity.
That being said it helps having a job that I at least enjoy to an extent. The most drained I ever felt was being negative about my position in life. Ironically it’s what kept me from getting a lot done. That’s what it comes down to. So many ideas and the only way to see them realized is to just do it. Pick and choose which are the most important projects to me. I create because I have to. It’s everything I am and do, and I hope it brings some entertainment to others that come across it StoryFire/Odysee “CraftyArts”
That being said it helps having a job that I at least enjoy to an extent. The most drained I ever felt was being negative about my position in life. Ironically it’s what kept me from getting a lot done. That’s what it comes down to. So many ideas and the only way to see them realized is to just do it. Pick and choose which are the most important projects to me. I create because I have to. It’s everything I am and do, and I hope it brings some entertainment to others that come across it StoryFire/Odysee “CraftyArts”
Posted 3 years agoNeeds Some Head Puppeteer #furry #gaming #retrogaming #playstation #craftyandy
My Little Slaughter Them's Fightin Herds!
Posted 3 years agoMy Little Slaughter Them's Fightin Herds! CraftyPlayzors #themsfightinherds #craftyplayzors #craftyandy #gaming #fightinggames
How I Became A Furry
Posted 3 years agoHow I Became A Furry While I Draw Telegram Stickers
Story time while I Art, #art #craftyarts #weirdzors #furry #lgbtqa+ #queer #drawing #painting #photoshop
Story time while I Art, #art #craftyarts #weirdzors #furry #lgbtqa+ #queer #drawing #painting #photoshop
monstert hunter live
Posted 3 years agoMonster Hunter Rise Toasty Teostra #monsterhunter #gaming #monsterhunterrise #craftyplayzors #craftyandy
Buy Crafty's Fursuits Cause FUCK YOU!
Posted 4 years agoKhezu Monster Lovers Guide
Posted 4 years agoWhat Cyberpunk 2077 CrossOver Poster should I make
Posted 4 years agoTaking A Poll on what theme the Cyberpujnk2077 cross-over poster should be
In case no twitter choices are
1.Nightmare before Christmas
2.Paw patrol
3.Whinnie the pooh
In case no twitter choices are
1.Nightmare before Christmas
2.Paw patrol
3.Whinnie the pooh
Video Collab Skibidi DANCE Music Video
Posted 6 years agovideo collab time, Myself, Kerian, and Backfire are going to film themselves with this dance "Skibidi" from little big, I want to have a magnitude of various fursuiters doing this dance. Credit your furry name with the video of yourself. Don't worry about sound, for this is not just a compilation this will be a reimagining of the video itself.
I shall drive the yiff out of thee
Posted 7 years ago this gives me an idea I would love to go around Anthrocon this year and drive the Yiff out of people. Hey the theme is Monsters this year, what better real life monster is there outside of a virgin priest telling you how to live your sex life?
Nine inch Nails Everything Music video
Posted 7 years agoWorst fandom, the sports fandom
Posted 7 years agoWorst fandom, the sports fandom #fucksports
#philiriots #philidelphia #lemurtalks
Furry youtube Channel terminated
Posted 8 years agoNeedle dick and youtube needle dicks were responsable, more info on that later here is the new channel
It was weird. I got a false claim on a video that was on two different channels. Naturally I refuted the claim on both. Next thing I know the next day the channel was gone but my main one was just fine. Youtube responded that I made a "abusive legal request" whatever the hell that means. But alas I have a stupid special snowflake furry to blame for it as much as youtube's decision making. Apparently I am not the only one with the same experience
It was weird. I got a false claim on a video that was on two different channels. Naturally I refuted the claim on both. Next thing I know the next day the channel was gone but my main one was just fine. Youtube responded that I made a "abusive legal request" whatever the hell that means. But alas I have a stupid special snowflake furry to blame for it as much as youtube's decision making. Apparently I am not the only one with the same experience
CraftyArts Progress
Posted 8 years agoCraftyArts, filming the next two episodes tomorrow. This is definitely the series I want to see grow and I would be happy being stuck doing it. List of episodes coming up soon.
Here is the idea. . .I want something more focused on entertainment then guided tutorials. I don't know what this will lead into, I know I have to keep this on track and keep a lot of my other ideas on the back burner for the time being. I've observed plenty of fellow creators over ten years ago and learned many dos and don'ts in this gig.
I'm anxious to get it done and made and made good. The only thing that can happen when making more content is the awareness goes up. At this time being a newcomer to youtube is a big hurdle in itself which is why when I reach episode 12 I plan on pitching it to other websites while in turn making my own homepage if that does not pan out.
Between working a full time job, two recent moves, housing some friends for a month, and managing a social life of some kind is the balancing act going on here. This is what I want to do, I want to create, create, and create. I can say this is especially due to my husband and mate making it all possible. Their love and support has given me the drive to keep persuing. Thank you for all those who have supported me.
Here is the idea. . .I want something more focused on entertainment then guided tutorials. I don't know what this will lead into, I know I have to keep this on track and keep a lot of my other ideas on the back burner for the time being. I've observed plenty of fellow creators over ten years ago and learned many dos and don'ts in this gig.
I'm anxious to get it done and made and made good. The only thing that can happen when making more content is the awareness goes up. At this time being a newcomer to youtube is a big hurdle in itself which is why when I reach episode 12 I plan on pitching it to other websites while in turn making my own homepage if that does not pan out.
Between working a full time job, two recent moves, housing some friends for a month, and managing a social life of some kind is the balancing act going on here. This is what I want to do, I want to create, create, and create. I can say this is especially due to my husband and mate making it all possible. Their love and support has given me the drive to keep persuing. Thank you for all those who have supported me.