Commission Pool Closed! [Slots chosen!]
4 years ago
Let the Commission Pool OPEN!
With all of the prices for commissions being updated this will be a Sparkly new pool! So if you previously had ideas in the old pool please re-submit them!
So first things first for those not familiar with how this works I will be opening up a big ol google form where anyone and everyone can submit their Commission requests. Then
1. I will be leaving the pool open until Saturday 9/5 to give everyone who would want one enough time to fill out the form and submit it in!.
2. Be selecting slots ~Randomly~ from the people in the pool to give everyone a fair chance at grabbing a commission!
***The above method is because my slots were filling up in minutes of be re-opening and I wanted to give people even outside of my time zone a chance to grab a spot***
3. After the slots are finished I will re-dip into the pool for more slots etc etc etc
*Also note I will pm everyone who wins a slot just to make sure they still want it. So no obligation to keep the slot if your name is drawn but cant get one done or any of that.
***Please limit to a max of 2 entries to make things the most fair for everyone [note Stickers can all be put on one form you don't have to split those up per sticker]
1. Raedwuff - Stickers + project [22] [p]
2. wellifimust - Headshot [24] [p]
3. Funkfreed/mrSinister - Lineart [8] [p]
4. darkgon - sketch [9]
5. doctorpup - sketch [6]
6. heartless - stickers x10 [23] [p]
7. HPC - flats 3 char [11] [p]
8. ciseal - fullcolor [1] [p]
9. rootbear_float - stickers x10 [14] [p]
Anything against TOS no child/ cub stuff etc.
No Scat/Diaper/Cock-analVore/etc. if you have a question feel free to ask if ill draw it.
Side note. I'm awful at drawing females of all types. so Just a for-warning that its gonna look bad if you ask me to draw them.
With all of the prices for commissions being updated this will be a Sparkly new pool! So if you previously had ideas in the old pool please re-submit them!
So first things first for those not familiar with how this works I will be opening up a big ol google form where anyone and everyone can submit their Commission requests. Then
1. I will be leaving the pool open until Saturday 9/5 to give everyone who would want one enough time to fill out the form and submit it in!.
2. Be selecting slots ~Randomly~ from the people in the pool to give everyone a fair chance at grabbing a commission!
***The above method is because my slots were filling up in minutes of be re-opening and I wanted to give people even outside of my time zone a chance to grab a spot***
3. After the slots are finished I will re-dip into the pool for more slots etc etc etc
*Also note I will pm everyone who wins a slot just to make sure they still want it. So no obligation to keep the slot if your name is drawn but cant get one done or any of that.
***Please limit to a max of 2 entries to make things the most fair for everyone [note Stickers can all be put on one form you don't have to split those up per sticker]
2. wellifimust - Headshot [24] [p]
3. Funkfreed/mrSinister - Lineart [8] [p]
4. darkgon - sketch [9]
5. doctorpup - sketch [6]
6. heartless - stickers x10 [23] [p]
7. HPC - flats 3 char [11] [p]
8. ciseal - fullcolor [1] [p]
9. rootbear_float - stickers x10 [14] [p]
Anything against TOS no child/ cub stuff etc.
No Scat/Diaper/Cock-analVore/etc. if you have a question feel free to ask if ill draw it.
Side note. I'm awful at drawing females of all types. so Just a for-warning that its gonna look bad if you ask me to draw them.

Nice! I’ll definitely be submitting for something as soon as I get off of work. <3

Sounds good! 8D best of luck!

Sorry I took so long to submit, needed to come up with an idea. Hope you liked, and good luck to me lol.

No worries im drawing slots tomorrow morning so ya made it in time haha, also super fun idea best of luck getting a spot!

Noooooo! Oh well, I'll try again next time. =)

ah! yeah im sorry man ><; im going to try and get these done asap and will be pulling more slots from the same pool so odds are greatly increased for next round!

I want something but I'm torn for ideas

Well the slots will be open till saturday morning so plenty of time to brainstorm 8D