I'm reopening commissions
8 years ago
I thought I could enjoy my time to reopen a little later down the line, but I think I may as well get a head start if anyone is interested in wanting a commission from me. And this time I will try my best to follow through and not get side tracked with them this time. ^^;
Anyone willing to want a commission from me is welcome to do so with the following prices:
Pencil/Rough = £5.00 (additions // characters £2.50 per // Background £3.00)
Ink only = £10.00 (additions // character £5.00 per // Background £7.00)
Flat colour = £15.00 (additions // character £5.00 per // Background £10.00)
Full colour and shading = £25.00 (additions // characters £10.00 per // Background £15.00)
Opening eight slots.
Contact me by leaving messages here along with references of any character. Payment must be via Paypal only. Hope to do business and hope to please you with the terrible work I produce. ^^;
Anyone willing to want a commission from me is welcome to do so with the following prices:
Pencil/Rough = £5.00 (additions // characters £2.50 per // Background £3.00)
Ink only = £10.00 (additions // character £5.00 per // Background £7.00)
Flat colour = £15.00 (additions // character £5.00 per // Background £10.00)
Full colour and shading = £25.00 (additions // characters £10.00 per // Background £15.00)
Opening eight slots.
Contact me by leaving messages here along with references of any character. Payment must be via Paypal only. Hope to do business and hope to please you with the terrible work I produce. ^^;
Also, never say your art is terrible, because it is lovely.