Life Updates - Pittsburgh Move, Gay Security, and Birthday
9 years ago
hello darlings!
TLDR: We moved, we met a gay security guard, and tomorrow is Pixel's birthday!
pixelsunshine and I have moved into our apartment in Pittsburgh and it's been a stressful, but fun adventure so far! We've spent the last two days exploring the Lawrenceville area and watching the sunset over the city skyline with anticipation for AnthroCon this summer. (We're seriously just a handful of blocks down from all the chaos, yassss!)
Today while setting up a new bank account, a security guard stopped me to tell me I had a beautiful twin that he saw earlier that morning. He then asked where I was from, and I told him I had just moved from Morgantown. He then proceeds to ramble on and on about Vice Versa, and I must have looked shocked because he eventually mutters "Well you see, I'm gay." I manage to respond, "ME TOO!" after an awkward pause and we high five. Then he drags his manager over (also apparently gay) and yells "THIS GIRL'S FAMILY".
Our neighbors are kindly and strange (one's name is Rio, one has tattoos of garlic bulbs on her arm, one's a gay fashion designer, and one is a witch; no joke).
I have a job interview at the hospital on Friday, so hopefully that works out! If not I will be opening a few YCHs to keep some money for groceries in the bank.
's birthday! GO WISH HER GAY THINGS!
I'm glad you two are settling in! I also hope you guys had delicious pancakes the other day
Glad that things are going well. :D
if youd like to know any like random stuff to do let me know. :) and welcome to the city of champions :)