Life Updates - The Next Few Months
9 years ago
sup, ladies (and guys if you're cool),
I am heading back to my hometown after a year of being awol (aside from the quick funeral I stopped in for last spring). My body is ready to be away from college and work and life for a few days. I doubt I'll be uploading much because everything is staying in my apartment, but I'll be attempting to tackle some christmas gifts while I'm back home. (bless pixel for getting me a toned sketchbook sobs)
As for life and junk, I'm coming up on my last semester in college! Both terrifying and exciting, but regardless I think I am ready to leave Morgantown behind. It's a beauty of a small city and I love it dearly, but four years has taken it's toll and I'm ready to tackle my next adventure. Speaking of said adventure,
and I are considering Pittsburgh! (What a shock that we're taking our next step TOGETHER - what will our significant others think of this scandal?!) But yes, the beautiful land that houses AnthroCon! If any of you are in the area, please get at us! We're hoping to start looking in March and would love some new lovelies to hang out with!
I hope life is treating you all well around the approaching holidays! I can't believe that 2015 is almost over. It's been a long (but quick) year of life changing realizations and learning a million new things. Maybe 2016 will be a little easier to handle now that we've been through so much this year.
Stay strong, my lovelies!
(it is very fat because i didnt have another box hahaha)
Sounds like a lot of exciting good stuff on your end! :D