new job, inktober, and life updates
9 years ago
sup LADIES (and doods),
I posted an image talking about a second interview a few weeks ago, and I finally received the job offer last week! So I do a pile of tests on Tuesday, and I start in October! Super excited! I'll be working at the hospital, so finally gaining some experience in my field OUTSIDE OF JUST WORKING AT RESTAURANTS MY ENTIRE COLLEGE CAREER. (I also get to work with Pixel's boyfriend, which should provide plenty of shenanigans to draw).
Aside from a new job, my semester of classes has finally calmed down enough for me to organize my life around it. (I'm sure this will be obliterated once I start working again, haha). Soon I'll be applying to internships and crossing my fingers until my final semester starts. Please excuse me as I puke over the thought of finally graduating and having to tackle the real world. Pixel and I have been holding off on accepting that we'll have to move in the Spring, with zero idea where we both want to end up. I've looked in places in the DC area, Philadelphia, Frederick, Pittsburgh, Colorado, Texas, California, Seattle, Louisiana, etc etc. Who knows where I end up! Maybe I'll get to meet some new furries wherever I end up, hah!
INKTOBER STARTS ON THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1ST. Is anyone else going to tackle it? Pixel and I are going to try our best to not be burnt out halfway through the month.
And as for other life updates, my life is full of disciplined working out (with hopes that I can finally take my kickboxing course in the spring since the surgery hindered the fall class), and a very scattered search for a Netflix and Chill buddy. Just kidding, I'm just casually hanging out with a few people and getting bailed on 89% of the time. It's an interesting life at least.
I hope you all have been doing well! You're all a BLESSING to me! c':
- Zraya
trades I gots ta do:
Glad things are all going in spades on your end though! Still missing you all something terrible, I tell you what!
On a serious note, I have no idea where I'm gonna be in a year either. XB
Texas, Colorado, California, & Pittsburg are Furtopia, apparently, though.
(So is Minnesota, though.)
Also inktober is tempting, but not sure if i'm that good at it ' 3'
still is worth a shot though i guess hah