15 years ago
i know i dont have a lot of watchers but u NEED to read this.
taken from http://makoeyes77.deviantart.com/journal/31317272/
I couldn't just stand there and not offer any help. If this won't help you, then just tell me and I'll take this journal down. Just know I couldn't sit here and not do anything.
Now, no names will be given here. But this involves the Art Institute of California: Orange County. A man I know was just horribly screwed over by the administration there. They failed enough of his classes to warrant him not passing the quarter. They also did this last quarter, when everything seemed to have been fine.
He was receiving A-grade for most of the quarter, but the final results show that he mysteriously failed. One class failed him due to his attendance - according to them, he was absent for three weeks. Which is not true. He can count on one of his hands how many days he was absent due to illness.
Why did they do this? Money.
A year at the AIC: OC apparently costs $30,000. That is including accommodation. Because they keep failing this man, he and his family would have to spend another $30,000 for another year. Perhaps two with their record.
The self-confidence of this person, my dear friend, has all but plummeted ever since he was there. This is disgusting from a school that is meant to have 100% focus on the students.
So if you're thinking about trying to get into this school, DON'T. If you are taking online classes right now, STOP. If you are currently in this school - whilst it may sound drastic - GET OUT.
ALL who read this journal MUST submit it as their own. Spread the word around the whole of DeviantART. It may be a small effort, but putting it in the way I have - 20 people will know of this. If they spread it, 400 people will know. It keeps going.
All you need to do is copy and paste this entire journal. I'll forever be grateful if you do, and so will he.
taken from http://makoeyes77.deviantart.com/journal/31317272/
I couldn't just stand there and not offer any help. If this won't help you, then just tell me and I'll take this journal down. Just know I couldn't sit here and not do anything.
Now, no names will be given here. But this involves the Art Institute of California: Orange County. A man I know was just horribly screwed over by the administration there. They failed enough of his classes to warrant him not passing the quarter. They also did this last quarter, when everything seemed to have been fine.
He was receiving A-grade for most of the quarter, but the final results show that he mysteriously failed. One class failed him due to his attendance - according to them, he was absent for three weeks. Which is not true. He can count on one of his hands how many days he was absent due to illness.
Why did they do this? Money.
A year at the AIC: OC apparently costs $30,000. That is including accommodation. Because they keep failing this man, he and his family would have to spend another $30,000 for another year. Perhaps two with their record.
The self-confidence of this person, my dear friend, has all but plummeted ever since he was there. This is disgusting from a school that is meant to have 100% focus on the students.
So if you're thinking about trying to get into this school, DON'T. If you are taking online classes right now, STOP. If you are currently in this school - whilst it may sound drastic - GET OUT.
ALL who read this journal MUST submit it as their own. Spread the word around the whole of DeviantART. It may be a small effort, but putting it in the way I have - 20 people will know of this. If they spread it, 400 people will know. It keeps going.
All you need to do is copy and paste this entire journal. I'll forever be grateful if you do, and so will he.