V-Day Meme
15 years ago
Seen this floating around, so figured I'd fill it out :3 That, and I seriously needed a new journal XD
1.Are you single or taken?
2. Chocolate or flowers?
Hmm... either/or really, but I think I'd like flowers more, they'd last longer
3. Will you do anything special for Valentines Day?
4.Do you like anyone?
See above XP
5. Were you dating anyone last Valentines?
Last year? Yeah, online though, so not sure if that counts
6. What would be your dream Valentines date?
Just being able to spend the day with the one I love
7. Do you make a big deal about Valentines?
I could, I guess it really depends if my Valentine likes that kind of thing
8. Have you ever had a secret admirer?
Not that I can recall, but that's usually the point of it being a secret, yes? :P
9. Would you ever write someone a love letter?
Yeah, if I couldn't tell them in person
10. Do you believe in Cupid?
Not really, no
11. Do your parents give you presents on Valentines?
Sometimes, usually just candy and small stuff
12. Do you still send out Valentines cards?
13. Do you like candy hearts?
Cinnamon hearts, yes. The other ones with writing on them? Eh, I don't mind them
14. Flowers or chocolate?
Methinks the maker of this meme has short term memory issues XD
15. Is Valentines day depressing?
Not that I've encountered
16. How do you feel about PDA?
I don't mind them personally, but I respect the onpinions of those I'm with. If they're not comfortable with it, then I won't, but if they don't mind... ;3
17. How is your love life?
Complicated =>->=; You ain't getting nothing other then that
18. Have you ever been dumped on Valentines?
19. How many roses would you want?
=o.O=;; What kind of question is that? I don't care, its the thought behind the rose that counts
20. Will you have a boyfriend/girlfriend next year?
Noooooo clue XD
Huh, a meme with no tagging question... =o.o=;;
1.Are you single or taken?
2. Chocolate or flowers?
Hmm... either/or really, but I think I'd like flowers more, they'd last longer
3. Will you do anything special for Valentines Day?
4.Do you like anyone?
See above XP
5. Were you dating anyone last Valentines?
Last year? Yeah, online though, so not sure if that counts
6. What would be your dream Valentines date?
Just being able to spend the day with the one I love
7. Do you make a big deal about Valentines?
I could, I guess it really depends if my Valentine likes that kind of thing
8. Have you ever had a secret admirer?
Not that I can recall, but that's usually the point of it being a secret, yes? :P
9. Would you ever write someone a love letter?
Yeah, if I couldn't tell them in person
10. Do you believe in Cupid?
Not really, no
11. Do your parents give you presents on Valentines?
Sometimes, usually just candy and small stuff
12. Do you still send out Valentines cards?
13. Do you like candy hearts?
Cinnamon hearts, yes. The other ones with writing on them? Eh, I don't mind them
14. Flowers or chocolate?
Methinks the maker of this meme has short term memory issues XD
15. Is Valentines day depressing?
Not that I've encountered
16. How do you feel about PDA?
I don't mind them personally, but I respect the onpinions of those I'm with. If they're not comfortable with it, then I won't, but if they don't mind... ;3
17. How is your love life?
Complicated =>->=; You ain't getting nothing other then that
18. Have you ever been dumped on Valentines?
19. How many roses would you want?
=o.O=;; What kind of question is that? I don't care, its the thought behind the rose that counts
20. Will you have a boyfriend/girlfriend next year?
Noooooo clue XD
Huh, a meme with no tagging question... =o.o=;;


*kicks* Stop posting negative comment on mah journals! D<