Terms Of Service
2 years ago
So! Time for the T.O.S for Coms and Adopts
1. I prefer to do SFW only. While I will offer Tasteful nude with nothing too extreme showing, I don't like to draw/work on pieces that are explicitly NSFW.
2. Not a fan of humans. While I will attempt them, I will place the disclaimer that I am NOT good with the facial features of a human. Please understand this before you commission me for that subject matter.
3. No human children. Of course ANY child piece will be SFW as per the rules of FA, but I will NOT draw Human or Mostly human Children. I do NOT feel confident with my skill with them and would rather practice with out some one paying me for it because I worry about the quality I can give to you.
4. No Vehicles or Firearms. This is a quality thing and may change in the future, but for now? No...Sorry.
5. Be polite. Please don't demand things of me or be rude if I refuse a request. I draw within my skill because I want to give you the best I can at that time. Know I am practicing on my own and will extend lists of things I can draw later, but if it's on the list or if you don't see it on a list, please ask and be respectful if I refuse.
6. Be descriptive/Have a piece for Reference before you commission me! Please...PLEASE have a good idea what you want and be able to convey that to me well BEFORE you ask for Art work. I can't know what you want unless you can tell me.
7. My Timeline varies on my work. I have a 40 hr + job on top of my art work. Please understand this is NOT my main income and I will need to work around that schedule. Though I will do my best to get your piece to you in a timely manor and keep you updated.
8. Half Payment after you confirm that the line art works good, and the other at completion of the piece. I'll give you details of how to pay once I have your line work how you like it. ^^
What I won't Draw:
2. Human Children
3. Vehicles (Anything with a Motor. )
4. Firearms (Older canons might be an exception)
What I am not confident in But will try:
1. Human Adults
What I will Draw:
1. Anthro Characters (Any Age or Gender)
2. Feral Animals (Might take me Longer But will do my best!)
3. Scenes
Please Message me here with either Com: Or Adopt: In the title so I know what its about!
Thank you!
1. I prefer to do SFW only. While I will offer Tasteful nude with nothing too extreme showing, I don't like to draw/work on pieces that are explicitly NSFW.
2. Not a fan of humans. While I will attempt them, I will place the disclaimer that I am NOT good with the facial features of a human. Please understand this before you commission me for that subject matter.
3. No human children. Of course ANY child piece will be SFW as per the rules of FA, but I will NOT draw Human or Mostly human Children. I do NOT feel confident with my skill with them and would rather practice with out some one paying me for it because I worry about the quality I can give to you.
4. No Vehicles or Firearms. This is a quality thing and may change in the future, but for now? No...Sorry.
5. Be polite. Please don't demand things of me or be rude if I refuse a request. I draw within my skill because I want to give you the best I can at that time. Know I am practicing on my own and will extend lists of things I can draw later, but if it's on the list or if you don't see it on a list, please ask and be respectful if I refuse.
6. Be descriptive/Have a piece for Reference before you commission me! Please...PLEASE have a good idea what you want and be able to convey that to me well BEFORE you ask for Art work. I can't know what you want unless you can tell me.
7. My Timeline varies on my work. I have a 40 hr + job on top of my art work. Please understand this is NOT my main income and I will need to work around that schedule. Though I will do my best to get your piece to you in a timely manor and keep you updated.
8. Half Payment after you confirm that the line art works good, and the other at completion of the piece. I'll give you details of how to pay once I have your line work how you like it. ^^
What I won't Draw:
2. Human Children
3. Vehicles (Anything with a Motor. )
4. Firearms (Older canons might be an exception)
What I am not confident in But will try:
1. Human Adults
What I will Draw:
1. Anthro Characters (Any Age or Gender)
2. Feral Animals (Might take me Longer But will do my best!)
3. Scenes
Please Message me here with either Com: Or Adopt: In the title so I know what its about!
Thank you!