Full Commissions Price ListFULL PRICE:
- character headshot (pencil) -35$
- character headshot (color) -45$
- full-length or knee-deep character (pencil) - $60
- full-length or knee-deep character (color) - $70
- for fully naked +15$ (NSFW)
- illustration from $80 and more (depends on the number of characters, the complexity of the poses, the presence and complexity of the background, the number of details)
- Comic pages (The price depends on the number of frames on one page, their complexity (the number of characters \ or partial of the image, the presence or absence of a background (if any, from detail)))
- Characters (mammals, birds, reptiles, sharks) Furry Male mammals are preferred. But for regular (SFW) art I can draw females too
- Fanarts
- Fetishes related to tickling (only with males).
- Bondage.
- NSFW art. Nude characters or sex scenes. Errection, precam, cumshot (also only with males).
- Something new that I didn't specify. I may not know about something. Specify in a personal chat, maybe it will be interesting for me.
- Private art (I don't charge extra for this yet)
- Humans (I draw only in exceptional cases and at will, but not always well)
- Topics related to politics, religion and similar controversial
- Dirt, sweat, wrinkled paws, dismemberment, cruelty, violence, humiliation of someone
- you send me the necessary description and references
- I make a sketch and send it to you
- you pay if everything is ok (unfortunately, PayPal does not work. As an alternative, I have only the Boosty service)
- I make line art and send it to you
- coordination (edits only regarding the line art)
- I make flat colors and send to you
- coordination (edits only regarding color)
- I'm finishing the art. Final shading. I am sending you, as well as a link to a full size in Google cloud.
- Posting if the art is not private. I ask for permission to create a post, the name of the character, and the accounts that I could specify in the description of twitter, DeviantnArt, FA or instagram
1- type of the commission
2- description of character/characters:
- name
- species
- gender
- reference
- expression/pose
- if it is necessary:
+ detailed description of a situation and background
+ additional images for description are possible |
- USD 0.00
- 0 slots

Headshot (color)Shoulder-length portrait of a character. May include character name, gradient, abstract or very simple background, and gestures. In color with shadows and light
Required references for art: character, emotion / pose, detailed description with important details |
- USD 45.00
- 10 slots

Full-length or knee-deep character (color)Portrait of a character to the waist, knees or full length. Includes character, gradient, abstract, or very simple backgrounds. In color with shadows and light
Required references for art: character, emotion / pose, detailed description with important details |
- USD 70.00
- 10 slots

Illustration Illustration. Includes a character (or multiple characters), simple or detailed backgrounds. In color with shadows and light. The price depends on the number of characters, the complexity of the poses, the detail of the background (check the details in private messages)
A detailed description of what is to be depicted is required. References: character(s), pose(s), background, important details |
- USD 80.00 - 300.00
- 10 slots

reference sheetThe price is approximate. It all depends on the number of angles, details and overall design.
The sheet can depict a character from different angles and poses. Headshots with different emotions. Important details (tattoos, spots, clothing features, etc.) Basic colors and character characteristics.
I develop the overall design of the sheet individually for each character |
- USD 200.00
- 10 slots