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Verbatim report of proceedings
Thursday, 5 July 2012 - Strasbourg

Outcome of the Rio+20 Summit (20-22 June 2012) (debate)

  Vittorio Prodi, on behalf of the S&D Group.(IT) Mr President, Commissioner, ladies and gentlemen, I am sorry that I do not agree with your optimism; based on what I know, I would call it Rio -20, because we have gone back about 20 years.

No binding document, no definition of the future we want, but of course, without Mr Obama, Mr Cameron and Ms Merkel – who alone represent more than 30% of the entire gross domestic product and who were, in fact, in Mexico at the G20 summit – what could have been decided? Only safe ideas for those who want business as usual, such as the green economy, masterfully represented as one of the instruments available in order to achieve sustainable growth, and for the adoption of policies, which should not, however, be subject to rigid rules. The divisions, inconsistencies and injustices will therefore remain and the separation of economic, social and environmental spheres will continue to cause disasters.

Yes to recognising climate change, reducing natural disasters, energy efficiency and greenhouse gas emissions, and yet nothing concrete – as if to say, the house is burning and we are not doing anything to put out the fire. Other evident sticking points: that the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) did not become a real environment body and that no High Commissioner was appointed for future generations. What can we do now? Only be aware that interdependence can help us cope with the crisis we are experiencing and therefore that a new governance is absolutely necessary in order to move forward.

The Commission could set an example: get the financial institutions responsible for a large part of this crisis around a table and ask them to commit to a plan of growth, inclusion, fairness and development, which respects and protects the environment and people. For its part, Parliament can come up with a universal statement of interdependence and democracy, which also guarantees right of access to natural resources and then ask the biggest States in the world to join in. For once, it would not be up to the young people or banks or large corporations, but the democratically elected representatives to decide the future we want.

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