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Standing tall as the oldest and first university press in America, Cornell University Press prides itself in its heritage of publishing works that transform research and benefit the wider public. Cornell University Press publishes over 150 new titles every year, with a focus on works in Asian studies, sociology, urban studies, and political and international relations.

Bad Christians and Hanging Toads Witch Crafting in Northern Spain, 1525–1675 Rochelle Rojas
The Airborne Mafia The Paratroopers Who Shaped America's Cold War Army Robert F. Williams
A Sense of Place and Belonging The Chiang Tung Borderland of Northern Southeast Asia Klemens Karlsson
James Burnham An Intellectual Biography David T. Byrne
Disciplining Democracy How the Modern American University Transformed Student Activism David S. Busch
Postal Intelligence The Tassis Family and Communications Revolution in Early Modern Europe Rachel Midura
When the City Stopped Stories from New York's Essential Workers Robert W. Snyder
Cultural Capitalism Literature and the Market after Socialism Bradley A. Gorski
Filming in European Cities The Labor of Location Ipek A. Celik Rappas
Backyard Revolution Mass Violence, Antisemitism, and the Populist State in Post–World War II Hungary Péter Apor
The Unfound Peace Disabled Veterans in Interwar Soviet Union Alexandre Sumpf
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