+1-868-622-3770 canto@canto.org 67 Picton Street, Port of Spain 8am - 4pm


The policy strategy of the association is directed by a board of directors appointed by the membership. This strategy is executed by the staff of a permanent Secretariat located in Trinidad and Tobago. The association’s activities are financed through the contributions of the members as well as other revenue generating projects.

CANTO consists of a general assembly, a board of directors, and a Secretariat, headed by a Secretary General who is supported by an Operations & Human Resource Manager, Finance & Administration Manager and a Service Development Manager.


CANTO has an array of services specially designed with our members in mind. CANTO continues to develop and remodel its service portfolio to reflect the changing needs of its members.

  • Annual Conference and Trade Exhibition
  • AGM
  • ICT Training & Workshops
  • ICT Periodicals

For a full list if services visit: Http://www.Canto.Org/Becoming Member/Canto-Services


CANTO membership is categorized by Active, Affiliate, and Honorary. The following benefits are enjoyed by all members:

  • Excellent networking and partnership opportunities
  • Attendance at all CANTO’s events
  • Participation in the working committees of the board
  • Free copies of the quarterly magazine “Cancion” and CANTO’s annual directory

For a full list of benefits visit:http://canto.org/canto-membership/member-benefits/ 

CANTO is poised to take the regional ICT sector to the next level and we want you to be a part of it!
For more in-depth information on CANTO, visit Www.Canto.Org


Teresa Wankin: – Twankin@Canto.0rg

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