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AppleCare+ for Mac
7-Day Complimentary AppleCare+ covers unlimited incidents of accidental damage that occur and are reported to Apple during the 7-day complimentary period.
At the end of the 7-day complimentary period, you’ll have the option to purchase AppleCare+. AppleCare+ for Mac provides expert technical support and additional hardware coverage from Apple, including unlimited incidents of accidental damage protection. Each incident is subject to a service fee of A$149 for screen damage or external enclosure damage, or A$429 for other accidental damage. In addition, you’ll get 24/7 priority access to Apple experts by chat or phone through in a new window). Coverage begins on your AppleCare+ purchase date. For complete details, see the terms(opens in a new window).
AppleCare+ benefits are separate from and in addition to the Apple Limited Warranty and any legal rights provided by Australian consumer law. For details, click here(opens in a new window).