August Astrom

About the author

Amateur writer, singer-songwriter, and linguist. Most of my work is based on trying to find an axiomatic philosophy that all humans can relate to, and even taking a step further and using those philosophies to make sense of ideas that I or a general audience don't really understand—or at least, cause us a lot of frustration and confusion. My favorite authors have been lost to time; they are the ones who wrote Beowulf, The Odyssey, Hávamál, and other great epics and folk tales that have lasted the test of time. My writing is very similar in spirit to those works but written in a way that a modern audience would enjoy. Whether I write in English or Danish, I write in a raw, direct style inspired by authors like Hemingway and Hamsun. I know these guys aren't the best role models (perhaps not even decent ones), but I'm in love with the way they write. I hate purple prose and have no patience for it. I have a strong, self-sustaining love for language. Danish and English are the only two languages I can comfortably say I speak.

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