In a recent work, a family of rational maps identified as tangent-Chebyshev maps over finite fields was introduced. Such maps have potential applicability in cryptography and channel coding. In this paper, we present new properties for the referred maps: their symmetry and fixed points are determined, their relationships with other maps are described and their functional graphs are characterized. Illustrative examples related to the developed properties are given; in particular, we show that the use of the referred maps to interleave in a turbo code may provide coding gains, when compared with usual approaches.

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We use “=” as a notation abuse in \(x_{d/2}=\infty\), as a reference to the possibility of having an undefined value for the finite field tangent function computed with respect to \(\zeta\), when its argument equals \(\frac{\text { ord }(\zeta )}{4}\).
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Figueiredo, R.B.D., Lima, J.B. Tangent-chebyshev maps over finite fields: New properties and functional graphs. Cryptogr. Commun. 14, 897–908 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12095-022-00565-8
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12095-022-00565-8