In this paper, a gain enhanced transconductance amplifier having high bandwidth and improved phase margin has been proposed. Miller compensation technique, using a series connected capacitor and resistor branch has been utilized to improve the phase margin of adaptively-biased cross-coupled high gain transconductance amplifier (proposed OTA-I). Further, gate compensation resistor is utilized to achieve bandwidth extension (proposed OTA-II). This proposed structure offers improvement in phase margin and bandwidth without increasing the power consumption or supply voltage requirement, while maintaining DC gain and linear range of the gain enhanced transconductance amplifier. The simulation results have been carried out in EldoSpice using TSMC based level 53, 0.18 µm CMOS technology with ± 0.6V supply voltage. These results show that for peaking free response in proposed OTA-II, phase margin of 59.40° and bandwidth of 33.31MHz can be achieved compared to values of 51.92° and 16.10MHz in conventional OTA. Monte Carlo and temperature analysis demonstrate robustness of the proposed circuit against process and temperature variations.

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Aggarwal, B., Arora, L., Chaterjee, S. et al. A Miller Compensated Gain Enhanced High Bandwidth Transconductance Amplifier. Wireless Pers Commun 126, 2647–2670 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-022-09834-4
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-022-09834-4