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(2 edits)

What is meant by "track"?
It just looks like it extends whatever you selected repeatedly forwards and backwards similar to Blender's array modifier.


It does exactly that while keeping the same relative distance to the selected (tracked) layer.

I love this extension, I'm curious as to how you added the running animation so that it moves nicely and consistently on the screen. 


I actually used another extension I made - Animation Suite. ✌️

Oh my God, I love this dude. I literally paid for Aseprite for the sole reason of being able to use such extensions in the future. You're such a great help!

Deleted 96 days ago

Simply opening the downloaded file should work if you have Aseprite installed, if you’re using a portable version you might need to drop this file over Aseprite window.

Wow! What a great tool! Thanks Kacper. I imagine you can do the same for the run cycle, you just make it follow a single pixel.

Another useful & cool addition, Kacper. Thank You!