Export photos, videos, slideshows and memories on Mac
You can export photos, videos, slideshows and memories so you can import them into another app to view and work with them.
Export photos in a selected format
The easiest way to export photos is to drag them to a location in the Finder. You can also use the Export command, which allows you to specify file format, filename and subfolder organisation settings. You can choose the size and format for the exported photos. You can also export a Live Photo as a still image.
Go to the Photos app
on your Mac.
Select the item you want to export.
Choose File > Export > Export [number] Photos.
Click the Photo Kind pop-up menu and choose the file type for the exported photos.
JPEG creates small files suitable for use with websites and other photo apps.
TIFF is a lossless file format that works well for transferring photos between computers and apps.
PNG is another lossless file format popular for web images and image editing.
To specify the size, quality and other export options for a specific file type, click
beside the Photo Kind pop-up menu, then select the options you want:
JPEG Quality pop-up menu (JPEG files only): Choose a resolution (the number of pixels in the exported image), which affects display and printing quality.
16-Bit tick box (TIFF files only): Select to export an image compatible with older 16-bit computer devices.
Colour Profile pop-up menu: Choose a colour profile to maintain similar display or printing quality on monitors or printers different from your devices.
Size pop-up menu: Choose the size of the exported image.
Click the File Name pop-up menu and choose how to name the exported files (this step is optional).
You can name your exported files using the titles you’ve given them in Photos, their filenames, or a filename numbered sequentially. If you choose Sequential, you can specify text to appear before each number (for example, Birthday - 1, Birthday - 2, and so on).
Click the Subfolder Format pop-up menu and choose how to divide the exported files into folders.
For example, if you export photos from several different memories, you can have Photos export the photos in each memory as a subfolder. Choose None to export the photos as individual files without subfolders.
Click Export.
Choose where to save the exported photo files, then click Export.
Tip: If you’re signed in to your Apple Account and have iCloud Drive turned on, you can export photo files to iCloud Drive, then access them from any Mac, iPhone, iPad, Apple Vision Pro or Windows device set up to use iCloud Drive. See Store files in iCloud Drive.
Export photos in their original format
You can export photos in the original file format in which they were imported into your photo library. A Live Photo is exported as two separate files: a still-image file and a video file.
Go to the Photos app
on your Mac.
Select the items you want to export.
Choose File > Export > Export Unmodified Original.
If you want to export IPTC information (assigned IPTC metadata and keywords) as a sidecar XMP file, select the Export IPTC as XMP tick box.
Click the File Name pop-up menu and choose how to name the exported files (this step is optional).
You can name your exported files using the titles you’ve given them in Photos, their filenames, or a filename numbered sequentially. If you choose Sequential, you can specify text to appear before each number (for example, Birthday - 1, Birthday - 2, and so on).
Click the Subfolder Format pop-up menu and choose how to divide the exported files into folders.
For example, if you export photos from several different memories, you can have Photos export the photos from each memory as a subfolder. Choose None to export the photos as individual files without subfolders.
Click Export.
Choose where to save the exported photo files, then click Export Originals.
Export videos
When you export a video, you can choose the movie quality and whether metadata such as a title or caption is included with the exported file.
Go to the Photos app
on your Mac.
Select the videos you want to export.
Choose File > Export > Export [number] Videos.
Click the Movie Quality pop-up menu and choose the video format for the exported video.
Standard definition (480p) is good for standard-definition TV. If the video will play on a high-definition TV or display, choose one of the high-definition formats: 720p or 1080p. 4K is used for ultra-high-definition TVs and displays.
Click the File Name pop-up menu and choose how to name the exported files (this step is optional).
You can name your exported files using the titles you’ve given them in Photos, their filenames, or a filename numbered sequentially. If you choose Sequential, you can specify text to appear before each number (for example, Birthday - 1, Birthday - 2, and so on).
Click the Subfolder Format pop-up menu and choose how to divide the exported files into folders.
For example, if you export videos from several different days, you can have Photos export each day as a subfolder named after the day. Choose None to export the videos as individual files without subfolders.
Click Export.
Choose where to save the exported video files, then click Export.
Tip: If you’re signed in with your Apple Account and have iCloud Drive turned on, you can export video files to iCloud Drive, then access them from any Mac, iPhone, iPad or Windows PC set up to use iCloud Drive. See Store files in iCloud Drive.
Export slide shows
You can export slide shows to share with others. When you export a slideshow, Photos creates a video file with the format that you select.
Go to the Photos app
on your Mac.
Click a slideshow under Projects in the sidebar.
Click Export in the toolbar, or choose File > Export > Export Slide show.
Enter a filename for your slideshow video in the Save As field.
Click the Format pop-up menu and choose a file type for the exported video.
Standard definition (480p) is good for standard-definition TV. If the slide show will play on a high-definition TV or display, choose one of the high-definition formats: 720p or 1080p.
Choose where to save the exported slideshow video, then click Save.
Export memory videos
You can export memories to share with others. When you export a memory, Photos creates a video file with the format that you select.
Go to the Photos app
on your Mac.
Click Memories in the sidebar, then double-click the memory that you want to export.
To stop playing a memory, press the Space bar.
Choose File > Export > Export Memory Video.
Enter a filename for your memory in the Save As field.
Click the Where pop-up menu and choose a location for the exported memory.
Click the Orientation pop-up menu and choose Landscape, Portrait or Square orientation.
Click the Aspect pop-up menu and choose an aspect ratio (16:9, 4:3 or Original).
Click Save.