Share podcasts on Mac
If you find a show you like, you can share it with others in a variety of ways. If you share the show with Messages, your recipient can find it in the Shared with You section of their Podcasts app. See Listen to podcasts shared with you.
In the Podcasts app
on your Mac, click Shows or Recently Updated below Library in the sidebar. You can also click an item under Apple Podcasts, or search for a show.
Select a show to see its information page, click the More button
, then choose how you want to share the show:
With AirDrop, Mail, Messages, or Notes: Choose an app, then add the recipient’s details. People you’ve sent messages to recently appear above the share options. Click a name to quickly share the show with them in Messages.
With a link: Choose Copy Link, then paste it into another document or app, such as Mail. When your recipient clicks the link, the show opens in Podcasts.