Does Android team with eccentric geeks? (comic)
Posted 15 years ago
Steve Hanov makes a living working on,,,
and He lives in
Waterloo, Canada.
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The simple and obvious way to walk through a graph
At some point in your programming career you may have to go through a graph of items and process them all exactly once. If you keep following neighbours, the path might loop back on itself, so you need to keep track of which ones have been processed already.Finding Bieber: On removing duplicates from a set of documents

5 Ways PowToon Made Me Want to Buy Their Software

Regular Expression Matching can be Ugly and Slow
If you open the first few pages of O'Reilly's Beautiful Code, you will find a well written chapter by Brian Kernighan (Personal motto: "No, I didn't invent C. Who told you that?"). The non-C inventing professor describes how a limited form of regular expressions can be implemented elegantly in only a few lines of C code.Why don't web browsers do this?