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A member registered 71 days ago

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Hello! Back with some VERY minor bugs that may or may not even be bugs, but I haven't really noticed anything else. Virtually none of these really even need fixing TBH, but I figured I'd run them by just in case. Also, I haven't downloaded any new versions after your big bug fix version, so if any of these were changed but unlisted since then I apologize for being redundant!

1 - Vg nccrnef gung gur nern jurer gur pelfgny jnyyf nccrne jura gur tneqra vf pelfgny jvyy oybpx gur puvccvrf cngu jura yhevat gurz jvgu frrqf. Ng yrnfg guvf vf jung V nffhzr vf unccravat, nf gurl zbir irel fgenatryl naq nccrne gb trg fghpx ba fbzrguvat jura gelvat gb trg gurz bire gb gur gnoyr sebz gur evtug fvqr bs gur lneq.

2 - V'z hafher vs gur genafsbezrq UBZR zrepunag vf fhccbfrq gb riraghnyyl qvr nsgre orvat fghaarq ol gur "tybjvat" irefvba bs gur gbby phor naq uvg jvgu gur Tynvir rabhtu. Gur erq fynfu rssrpg qvssref sebz zreryl fpnevat gurz njnl jura gurl ner abg fghaarq, fb V jnf jbaqrevat vs gung jnf znlor fhccbfrq gb or n ybatre, fyvtugyl zber qvssvphyg irefvba bs trggvat evq bs gurz jvgubhg gur Pybl Pbzohfgvoyr be fbzrguvat.

3 - Va gur yvoenel, gur grkg uvag V nffhzr vf nobhg gur Pelfgny Oynqr gnyxf nobhg n tbyqra oynqr vafgrnq. Hafher vs guvf vf vagragvbany gb yrnir guvatf n ovg inthr (gbgnyyl svar) be n erzanag sebz fbzr cerivbhf qensg be fbzrguvat.

4 - Gur enoovgf va gur Lneq jvyy serdhragyl nyernql or zrng jura ergheavat gb UBZR. Ubarfgyl, sbe gur ybatrfg gvzr V nffhzrq guvf jnf vagragvbany, nf vs gur enoovgf jrer orvat xvyyrq ol gur Lneq'f qnatref juvyr lbh jrer njnl, ohg V'z hafher.

5 - Abj guvf vf gur npghny ovt oht bs gur yvfg, ohg V unir orra hanoyr gb ercyvpngr vg naq nz abg rira fher ubj lbh jbhyq tb nobhg svkvat vg. Jura va gur Pbyhzonevhz, V fbzrubj tbg fghpx vagb n fbeg bs "abpyvc" zbqr gung yrg zr zbir guebhtu nyy bofgnpyrf, rarzvrf, naq greenva naq frrzrq gb nyfb vtaber gevttref nf gur zhfvp fgnlrq gur fnzr nf V zbirq orgjrra gur gjb unyirf. Gur bayl cbffvoyr rkcynangvba V unir vf gung V jnf pnhtug ol na Natry ng gur RKNPG zbzrag V gevrq gb cvpx hc zl Tynvir, be gur Tynvir svavfurq vgf "fcva" juvyr V jnf fgvyy va gur "orvat pnhtug" cnhfr naq gevrq gb or cvpxrq onpx hc evtug nf V jnf erfcnjavat. Ntnva, rkgerzryl inthr, naq vg frrzf rkprcgvbanyyl ener naljnl...

Glad to see some other folks managed to fish out a few bugs as well!

Oh wow, I thought I had fully explored there. I'll have to do a really thorough once-over!

Ooh, that'll be awesome! On my second playthrough currently, and I managed to find Lewis but no new endings so far. I think aside from how to get to each ending, the only small question I have is an item I still haven't been able to find. I'm assuming each spot in the item bag has something, in which case I haven't found whatever goes beneath the glaive and above the shovel.

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I was thinking it over and realized there isn't really a need for a vendor that sells ?Stones to solve the game anew issue when a much simpler balance solution would just be a vendor/source that offers T.Shoules instead, as that solves the problem of having access to enough power.

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I think maybe for Layers I must have just lost track of the second Blue Sigil at some point and assumed I had already used it! That place is such a maze!

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Just finished (I think) everything available to me on my first full playthrough after committing to the HERMIT roleplay and no-lifing the game the past few days. I unfortunately haven't done any content involving LEWIS, so that'll be my next goal if I do another run.

I achieved Endings[N]ygne, [O]ynpx Gnoyr, [P]nepbfn, naq [S]nzvyl. I assume the last two might have something to do with LEWIS and/or fbzr nygreangr cngu jvgu TVEY vafgrnq bs YBFG TVEY ivn gur Evghny.  (And I hope they can be shoehorned into the little alphabet series lol)

Absolutely worth the full price of admission, and packed full of fun mysteries and obscure events. Your nightmare wizardy with RPG maker never ceases to amaze me, and I thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Music was great overall, and there were some definite earworms in the mix (RITUAL PENTAGRAM 2 is still stuck in my head).

The Text adventure segments were well done and it was fun to draw some good ol' pen and paper maps. Great way to mix up the experience.

Combat was surprisingly tough (and downright sadistic in a few places) but after playing through your other games, I knew what I was signing up for! The bosses were always a surprise and chaotic in a great way. There were only 2 instances where I felt things were more about brute force / luck, but that's entirely subjective and I don't necessarily feel like they need changing, they just stuck out to me even after completing the experience.

Gur Pbyhzonevhz - Ehaavat sebz gur Natryf va gur qnex jnf sha, naq gur Pbyhzonevhz cebcre jnf oehgny (va n tbbq jnl, tbqfcrrq nalbar jub zvffrf gur [ERQNPGRQ]) ohg gur irel ynfg yvggyr fgnvejnl orsber ragrevat gur Pbyhzonevhz cebcre sryg ragveryl enaqbz vs gur Natryf jbhyqa'g or ehfuvat guebhtu gur rkgerzryl aneebj unyyjnl rirel gvzr V nccebnpurq. V gevrq jnvgvat gurz bhg, qbqtvat gurz, rgp. ohg ab cyna bs nggnpx frrzrq gb or rssrpgvir fb V whfg erfbegrq gb guebjvat zlfrys naq ubcvat gurve cnguf jrer sbeghvgbhf, riraghnyyl znxvat vg guebhtu.

Gbjre Ynlref - Vg frrzf yvxr gurer vf rvgure 1 yrff oyhr fvtvy guna arrqrq, be V bcrarq qbbef va gur jebat beqre, ohg gur svany ybeqfgbc jnf ybpxrq njnl sbe zr. Gur nccebnpu guebhtu gur oynpx tngrf jvgu gur ybeq V fgvyy unq nyvir jnf fvzvyne gb gur Pbyhzonevhz vffhr, ohg gurer jnf pbzcnengviryl zhpu zber fcnpr naq gur ybeq ng bar cbvag whfg uhttrq n jnyy vafgrnq bs chefhvat zr, fb V znqr vg guebhtu. Zhpu zber znantrnoyr guna gur natryf, ohg V guvax vg'f gur bayl gvzr va gur tnzr jurer V jnf noyr gb ybpx zlfrys bhg bs n pbzong bcgvba yvxr gung, fb vg fgbbq bhg.  I was wrong with this point, disregard!

Combat aside, I do wish a couple of those "cutoffs / points of no return" in the other topic had alternates, but most of them are pretty minor and I agree it opens up incentives for additional playthroughs. I think the only one that should really get some workaround is the ?Fgbarf fb gung cynlref nyjnlf unir n jnl gb npprff TNZR NARJ. Znlor fbzr uvqqra iraqbe jvgu rkbeovgnag NTR cevprf gung bayl nccrnef bapr lbh'ir hfrq nyy gur "abezny" barf, naq n znk ba ubj znal gur UREZVG pna hfr ba gurzfryirf gb cerirag nohfr gbjneqf gung raq jvgu n erfrg orgjrra ehaf.

I also wish that with how big LEWIS is shown off, there was some sort of event when reaching his cutoff to indicate that SOMETHING was missed. Maybe ng 4 phefrf jvgubhg svaqvat uvz lbh trg n cnpxntr jvgu uvf yrnfu naq gur Urezvg trgf "n greevoyr srryvat gung fbzrguvat rkgerzryl vzcbegnag unf sberire zbirq orlbaq ernpu"or something to not provide a workaround or alternate path, just a hint so people can go back to an earlier save and search more if they wish.

And one last non combat related thing that stood out was Srrqvat gur Fgbar Gnoyr. Gur uvag jnf terng naq V riraghnyyl chmmyrq vg bhg, ohg zl unathc vf jvgu ubj rkgerzryl fcrpvsvp gur ybpngvba gevttre gb npgvingr gur srrqvat vf. V'z abg fher vs gurer ner nal fvzcyr jnlf vg pbhyq or punatrq gb or zber yravrag be vaqvpngr cynlref ner ba gur evtug genpx gubhtu, fb V qvterff.

That's a lot of extra work though, and again, they aren't ultimately big negatives.

I feel bad writing in such detail about these few VERY minor nitpicks, so just know that if it wasn't mentioned here it was at worst "pretty good" and more often "really fantastic"!

I know you mentioned you might not be doing more games, but I hope you do, and even if they're on a much smaller scale I'll absolutely be picking them up!

Oh definitely, I can absolutely see where doing things the right way all together is do-able, I don't think there are any true "One or the other" choices aside from TVEY/YBFG TVEY, and that's a-ok.

Added all the (supposed) branch cutoffs I found in my first playthrough!

Not sure if this is a bug, and honestly it kinda works as an eerie event even if it is, but I thought I'd mention it.

YBFG TVEY nccrnef va gur pragvcrqr nern rira vs lbh unira'g pbagnpgrq ure ivn cubar lrg vs lbh'er ubyqvat gur tynvir. Rdhvccvat naq hardhvccvat vg jvyy znxr ure nccrne naq qvfnccrne ng jvyy.

Couple small potential hiccups

Ba Qrngu Gbjre 2 sybbe 4, gur neenatrzrag bs gur qrnq znxrf vg cbffvoyr sbe gur onpx ynlre gb or fghpx naq [VANPPRFFVOYR] sbe gur Penira Pneivat qhr gb gur jnl lbh chfu guvatf. V guvax vs lbh zbirq gur pragre fcnja cbvag gb gur obggbz evtug ol gur qbbe vg fubhyq nyybj sbe serr fuvsgvat bs nyy gur obarf nf arrqrq.

Vg qbrfa'g frrz yvxr lbh npghnyyl arrq gur Pelfgny Funeq sebz gur gerr gb znxr gur Pelfgny Oynqr, nf V jrag guebhtu 2 qvssrerag cnguf, bar jvgu naq bar jvgubhg, naq gur raq erfhyg jnf gur fnzr.

2 Minor possible bugs in [REDACTED] related to the polyps when faced without enough resources.

Gur FJ Cbylc (K3,L1 vs zl unaq qenja znc vf pbeerpg) fnlf vg fraqf lbh Jrfg, ohg frrzf gb fraq lbh AR gb K6L2)

Gur FR Cbylc (K8L2) fnlf vg fnlf lbh Rnfg ohg npghnyyl fraqf lbh Jrfg, naq vs lbh gura fheirl lbhe fheebhaqvatf ba gung fcbg vg frrzf gb or vasbezngvba sebz gur GRKG QRFREG vafgrnq. Zbivat bss naq gura onpx ba svkrf guvf.

In regards to THE RITUAL - Nsgre pbzcyrgvat vg jvgu YBFG TVEY, fur erznvarq va zl cnegl naq ng UBZR. Hafher vs guvf vf vagragvbany, ohg gur qvnybthr jura frrvat ure ba gur cngu orsber gur zveebe frrzrq gb vaqvpngr bgurejvfr.

Some issues for the [REDACTED] zone

The BIG one  - Releasing the Tunguses, leaving the zone, and then re-entering will imprison them again, softlocking progress as their release switch is then stuck.

And a couple minor things that might not really be fixable or worth it.

The Oculords get stuck in terrain really frequently due to their bouncing, forcing a reload of the area (which is what led me to discover the first bug lol)

The TOOL CUBE seems to have weird pathfinding here. In other areas it does a pretty good job of following the same path taken, but here, even at high level it gets stuck very often and seems to "stick" to the player but not actually follow them like in the other zones.

The "spiral" area seems to respawn the bones nearby on re-entering. Not sure if this is intentional, though if it is then sweet, it's been great for collecting AGE.

Also, this area has my favorite music so far, love it!

Oh gosh, there I was patiently standing in front of it waiting for it to respond lol. 

Oh that's great to hear about the Planter update! As for the tree, I might be doing something wrong on my current save then. Attempting to interact with it doesn't seem to do anything, so I'm unsure.

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With how many events and triggers there are, I noticed there are a few points where certain things seem to become [INACCESSIBLE] and figured I'd start a discussion on them to hopefully save any others confusion when they can't figure out how to get certain things to occur. If any of these are incorrect or if there are any other notable ones, please let me know!


Ripple Effect 10 - Bapr gur cynagref unir orra cynprq naq gur svefg Bzra vf gevttrerq, gur tubfgf jvyy ab ybatre nccrne va gur ubhfr, ceriragvat guvf rssrpg sebz haybpxvat.


Lewis - Gur gbja png zhfg or srq naq vgf evccyr rssrpg gevttrerq orsber 4 phefrf, be ryfr Yrjvf jvyy abg fcnja onpx ng UBZR.


Ripple Effect 1 - Juvyr Yrjvf vf habognvanoyr nsgre 4 Bzraf, gur Evccyr Rssrpg vf, hayrff punatrq fvapr V ynfg uvg gung cbvag, fgvyy gevttrenoyr jvgu ab gnatvoyr rssrpg onpx ng UBZR. Nsgre 5 Bzraf ubjrire, gur png vf ab ybatre noyr gb or srq ng nyy.


PURPLE - RED - BLUE - Jura ragrevat urer, lbh ner ybpxrq va gb jungrire fgngr guvatf ner va naq pnaabg yrnir, fb znxr fher lbhe nssnvef ner va beqre naq xrrc n fcner fnir.

BLUE - RED - PURPLE - Nsgre haybpxvat n pregnva qbbe naq tbvat sbegu, lbh ner ybpxrq va naq pnaabg yrnir, fb znxr fher lbhe nssnvef ner va beqre naq xrrc n fcner fnir.


Ripple Effect 8 - Gur thrfgobbx pna bayl or fvtarq vs lbh ivfvg gur puhepu orsber npprcgvat gur byq jbzna'f dhrfg.

Tool Cube XP - Vg vf cbffvoyr gb "bire-srrq" gur GBBY PHOR lbhe qrnq obarf naq orybirq erznvaf, ceriragvat lbh sebz pbzcyrgvat GUR EVGHNY.

Stew Portions - Fgrj cbegvbaf pnaabg or qhzcrq bhg, fb znxr fher lbh unir jung Fgrj lbh jnag orsber freivat.

Feeding the Maw - Gur znj nyybjf lbh gb srrq pevgvpny vgrzf gb vg, ybpxvat pregnva cnguf. Or fher lbh'er bayl srrqvat vg vgrzf lbh qba'g arrq.

Chippies - Srrqvat n puvccvr n pelfgny gerng jvyy cerirag gur gnoyr sebz njnxravat naq ybpx gung cngu.

Crystal Danish - Gur Pelfgny Qnavfu zhfg or va lbhe vairagbel orsber npprffvat gur GRKG QRFREG be vg pnaabg or qr-pelfgnyvmrq.

NG+ - TNZR NARJ pna bayl or npprffrq ol cebivqvat rabhtu cbjre, juvpu vaqverpgyl erdhverf n pregnva nzbhag bs ?FGBARF gb ernpu, naq gurer ner n yvzvgrq ahzore ninvynoyr va nal tvira eha.

Above the cannibal camp, there is a spot where you can jump down but seemingly cannot get anywhere else from, leaving you stranded. I'm unable to take a screenshot, but its the long pillar to the immediate left of where the ladder goes down.