S.S.C. Rusted Available On Steam!

It's been a long, long road. What started as a simple update to the initial release of S.S.C. Rusted, has gradually transitioned into a tremendous overhaul of much of its gameplay, design, and storyline. Finally, it's time to share one more update breaking down the release of S.S.C. Rusted and the multitude changes returning players can expect.

On February 7, 2025, S.S.C. Rusted will be available for purchase on Steam!

While initially we'd planned to make the game available for download on Itch.io as well, ultimately Steam was deemed the most stable marketplace, as well as safer in protecting against piracy. This may change in the future, but for now, the Itch.io page will mainly be used as a secondary source of information on S.S.C. Rusted in the form of the overall game description and these devlogs.

Listed below, in no particular order, are the bevy of updates and changes to S.S.C. Rusted. Take a look!

  • New effects to make combat feel more visceral and kinetic
  • Graphics enhanced to appear perfectly crisp and sharp
  • Changes and additions to dialogue and story
  • Fullscreen support
  • Arrow controls support
  • New music and sound effects
  • Faster overworld movement speed
  • Fishing minigame largely reworked in challenge and content
  • Various updates to other minigames to increase difficulty or clarify on elements
  • New and updated post-game challenges
  • Characters now change poses in the overworld
  • Character portraits now change expressions during dialogue
  • Added Steam rewards for accomplishing in-game tasks
  • Players can now view the percentage of the game they've completed
  • New and updated sprites
  • Added end credits
  • Added in-game currency system which allows players to purchase skins and items
  • Some doors are now opened via a lock-picking challenge
  • New in-game cursor
  • Fixed combat bugs resulting in unfairly losing extra stamina 
  • Fixed combat bugs resulting in unfairly losing extra health
  • Slight increase in overall combat difficulty (this could continue to change over time)
  • Miscellaneous bug fixes
  • And MORE!

Truly, these updates only scratch the surface in terms of changes which have been made to improve the S.S.C. Rusted experience. While future updates are expected in dealing with potential bugs and in rescaling difficulty, no further major updates are planned. It's finally time for S.S.C. Rusted to stand on its own and reach the wider audience it's waited so long for. We thank you for your patience and patronage, and hope you have a blast playing it!

Adventure awaits!