An Best book of the year
The Year Without Pants: and the Future of Work

Buy it: at, Barnes and Nobles, Apple or other retailers (e-book, audiobook and print).
Synopsis: What is it like to work at, the 8th most trafficked website in the U.S., where everyone works from home, no one uses email and dozens of improvements launch to customers every day?
The Year Without Pants follows my story of getting hired, my weeks on the front lines of customer support, and the year I spent leading a team of brilliant programmers designing and building new features for You’ll get a unique behind the scenes story, where I share everything I learned about creativity, productivity and leadership from the kind of workplace that might be in everyone’s future.
When Matt Mullenweg (WordPress and Automattic Inc. founder) and Toni Schneider (Automattic Inc. CEO) offered me the job, I told them I’d do it only if I could write a book about my experience and they agreed – and now finally the book is almost here.
“The Year Without Pants is one the most original and important books about what work is really like, and what it takes to do it well, that has ever been written.”
—Robert Sutton, professor, Stanford University, and author, New York Times bestsellers The No Asshole Rule and Good Boss, Bad Boss
“ has discovered a better way to work, and The Year Without Pants allows the reader to learn from the organization’s fun and entertaining story.”
—Tony Hsieh, author, New York Times best seller Delivering Happiness, and CEO,, Inc.
“The underlying concept—an ‘expert’ putting himself on the line as an employee—is just fantastic. And then the book gets better from there! I wish I had the balls to do this.”
—Guy Kawasaki, author, APE: Author, Publisher, Entrepreneur, and former chief evangelist, Apple
“If you want to think differently about entrepreneurship, management, or life in general, read this book.”
—Tim Ferriss, author, New York Times best seller The 4-Hour Workweek
“With humor and heart, Scott has written a letter from the future about a new kind of workplace that wasn’t possible before the internet. His insights will make you laugh, think, and ask all the right questions about your own company’s culture.”
—Gina Trapani, founding editor, Lifehacker
If you’re a fan of my books Making Things Happen or The Myths of Innovation, this is your chance to learn how much of my own advice I followed when thrown back into the real world.
Buy it: at, Barnes and Nobles, Apple or other retailers. An best book of 2013.