Using syntactic knowledge for QA
… QA tasks. First, we give a brief outline of the architecture of our QA-system, which makes
heavy use of syntactic … , among others incorporation of syntactic knowledge in IR, incorporation …
heavy use of syntactic … , among others incorporation of syntactic knowledge in IR, incorporation …
[PDF][PDF] The University of Groningen at QA@ CLEF 2006 using syntactic knowledge for QA
… QA tasks. First, we give a brief outline of the architecture of our QA-system, which makes
heavy use of syntactic … tasks, ie (1) incorporation of syntactic knowledge in the IR-engine, (2) …
heavy use of syntactic … tasks, ie (1) incorporation of syntactic knowledge in the IR-engine, (2) …
[PDF][PDF] Using syntactic and semantic relation analysis in question answering
RSJJY Fan, THCTS Chua, MY Kan - Proceedings of the 14th Text …, 2005 -
… We use TREC 8 and TREC 9, QA sentence pairs to perform training. We denote each QA …
Note that for external knowledge, we choose to utilize specific websites rather than general …
Note that for external knowledge, we choose to utilize specific websites rather than general …
A syntactic tree matching approach to finding similar questions in community-based qa services
… knowledge-sharing online community among several popular cQA services. Over times, a
tremendous number of previous QA … involves the use of more varying syntactic structures or …
tremendous number of previous QA … involves the use of more varying syntactic structures or …
A syntactic approach to domain-specific automatic question generation
G Danon, M Last - arXiv preprint arXiv:1712.09827, 2017 -
… factoid questions using two methods: (1) adding hypernym from knowledge resources, and
(… As mentioned above, we try to identify the hypernym of each QA pair in order to build more …
(… As mentioned above, we try to identify the hypernym of each QA pair in order to build more …
[PDF][PDF] Automatic acquisition of lexico-semantic knowledge for QA
L Van Der Plas, G Bouma - Proceedings of OntoLex 2005 …, 2005 -
… We are interested in using lexico-Semantic knowledge in an Open-… knowledge can be
acquired from syntactically parsed corpora, and that the inclusion of such knowledge in a QA …
acquired from syntactically parsed corpora, and that the inclusion of such knowledge in a QA …
Q-NL Verifier: Leveraging Synthetic Data for Robust Knowledge Graph Question Answering
… This paper focuses on QA systems over knowledge graphs (… Questions over Knowledge
Graphs are formulated using query … While informative, the previous metrics focus on syntactic …
Graphs are formulated using query … While informative, the previous metrics focus on syntactic …
[PDF][PDF] Using syntactic information for improving why-question answering
… Our aim is to find out whether syntactic knowledge is relevant for discovering re … QA (Ferret
et al., 2002) we introduce the term question focus for this topic. The focus is often the syntactic …
et al., 2002) we introduce the term question focus for this topic. The focus is often the syntactic …
[PDF][PDF] Exploiting syntactic and shallow semantic kernels for question answer classification
… re-ranking, to our knowledge no study uses kernel functions to encode syntactic information. …
(c) The answer classifier increases the ranking accuracy of our QA system by about 25%. …
(c) The answer classifier increases the ranking accuracy of our QA system by about 25%. …
Syntactic features in question answering
X Li - Proceedings of the 26th annual international ACM …, 2003 -
… of a particular approach for using syntactic information on … researchers have used syntactic
information in their QA systems [… syntactic information in addition to the differences of how to …
information in their QA systems [… syntactic information in addition to the differences of how to …