Optimization algorithms for multi-objective problems with fuzzy data

O Bahri, NB Amor, T El-Ghazali - 2014 ieee symposium on …, 2014 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
2014 ieee symposium on computational intelligence in multi …, 2014ieeexplore.ieee.org
This paper addresses multi-objective problems with fuzzy data which are expressed by
means of triangular fuzzy numbers. In our previous work, we have proposed a fuzzy Pareto
approach for ranking the generated triangular-valued functions. Then, since the classical
multi-objective optimization methods can only use crisp values, we have applied a
defuzzification process. In this paper, we propose a fuzzy extension of two well-known multi-
objective evolutionary algorithms: SPEA2 and NSGAII by integrating the fuzzy Pareto …
This paper addresses multi-objective problems with fuzzy data which are expressed by means of triangular fuzzy numbers. In our previous work, we have proposed a fuzzy Pareto approach for ranking the generated triangular-valued functions. Then, since the classical multi-objective optimization methods can only use crisp values, we have applied a defuzzification process. In this paper, we propose a fuzzy extension of two well-known multi-objective evolutionary algorithms: SPEA2 and NSGAII by integrating the fuzzy Pareto approach and by adapting their classical techniques of diversity preservation to the triangular fuzzy context. An application on multi-objective Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) with uncertain demands is finally proposed and evaluated using some experimental tests.
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