Masked autoencoders are articulatory learners

AA Attia, CY Espy-Wilson - ICASSP 2023-2023 IEEE …, 2023 -
Articulatory recordings track the positions and motion of different articulators along the vocal
tract and are widely used to study speech production and to develop speech technologies
such as articulatory based speech synthesizers and speech inversion systems. The
University of Wisconsin X-Ray Mi-crobeam (XRMB) dataset is one of various datasets that
provide articulatory recordings synced with audio recordings. The XRMB articulatory
recordings employ pellets placed on a number of articulators which can be tracked by the mi …

Masked Autoencoders Are Articulatory Learners

A Adel Attia, C Espy-Wilson - arXiv e-prints, 2022 -
Articulatory recordings track the positions and motion of different articulators along the vocal
tract and are widely used to study speech production and to develop speech technologies
such as articulatory based speech synthesizers and speech inversion systems. The
University of Wisconsin X-Ray microbeam (XRMB) dataset is one of various datasets that
provide articulatory recordings synced with audio recordings. The XRMB articulatory
recordings employ pellets placed on a number of articulators which can be tracked by the …
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