Interactive volume navigation

ML Brady, KK Jung, HT Nguyen… - IEEE Transactions on …, 1998 -
… An overview of the volume navigation problem and our approach is given in Section 2. The
… perspective volume rendering is presented in Section 3 and applied to volume navigation in …

An interactive visualization and navigation tool for medical volume data

O Sommer, A Dietz, R Westermann, T Ertl - Computers & Graphics, 1999 - Elsevier
… In this paper we propose a volume visualization tool for large scale medical volume data
which … interactive frame rates at high image quality including sophisticated user interactions. …

Volume rendering based interactive navigation within the human colon

M Wan, Q Tang, A Kaufman, Z Liang… - … Visualization'99 (Cat …, 1999 -
… an interactive navigation system for virtual colonoscopy, which is based solely on high
performance vol… With the above considerations, we propose a novel interactive navigation system …

Two-phase perspective ray casting for interactive volume navigation

M Brady, K Jung, HT Nguyen… - … . Visualization'97 (Cat. No …, 1997 -
Volume navigation is the interactive exploration of volume data sets by “flying” the view point
through the data, producing a volume … inexpensive perspective volume navigation method …

Interactive slice WIM: Navigating and interrogating volume data sets using a multisurface, multitouch VR interface

D Coffey, N Malbraaten, TB Le… - … on Visualization and …, 2011 -
… For each application, we describe how the Interactive Slice WIM supports both navigation
and data interrogation, emphasizing extensions to the core concepts introduced earlier that …

Interactive navigation inside 3D radiological images

ML Brady, WE Higgins, K Ramaswamy… - Proceedings 1995 …, 1995 -
… We present an inexpensive fast volume rendering method that can … interactive view-site
changes, as required for navigation. The method in this paper permits interactive navigation

The vision camera: An interactive tool for volume data exploration and navigation

HH Ehricke, G Daiber, W Straßer - Proceedings Visualization' …, 1993 -
… a new tool allowing for interactive object recognition during volume data walkthroughs. This
volume. Thus, objects are interactively carved out and can be visualized by standard volume

[PDF][PDF] Virtual voyage: Interactive navigation in the human colon

L Hong, S Muraki, A Kaufman, D Bartz… - … graphics and interactive …, 1997 -
Virtual colonoscopy is a non-invasive computerized medical procedure for examining the
entire colon to detect polyps. We present an interactive virtual colonoscopy method, which …

Characterizing navigation in interactive learning environments

HN Liang, K Sedig - Interactive Learning Environments, 2009 - Taylor & Francis
… Although their framework provides a description of navigation, it is restricted to how navigation
takes place within mathematical structures and it is mainly applicable to the analysis at …

ISEE: Information access through the navigation of a 3D interactive environment

L Pecchioli, M Carrozzino, F Mohamed… - Journal of Cultural …, 2011 - Elsevier
… A novel method to access spatial information through the interactive navigation of a synthetic
3D model, reproducing the main features of a corresponding real environment, is proposed …