Edge-disjoint paths revisited

C Chekuri, S Khanna - ACM Transactions on Algorithms (TALG), 2007 - dl.acm.org
… In this article we concentrate on the basic edge-disjoint paths problem; however, our ideas
extend to some generalizations of the problem. In particular, with a loss of an additional …

[HTML][HTML] Edge-disjoint paths in digraphs with bounded independence number

A Fradkin, P Seymour - Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, 2015 - Elsevier
… edges of H are mapped to edge-disjoint directed paths of G joining the corresponding pairs
… The problem that we solve is a generalization of the k edge-disjoint directed paths problem (…

Optimal construction of edge-disjoint paths in random graphs

AZ Broder, AM Frieze, S Suen, E Upfal - SIAM Journal on Computing, 1998 - SIAM
… the edge-disjoint paths problem … edge-disjoint paths to vertices in B then the number of
paths required is at most (1+o(1))ϵ(1−ϵ/2)nd < κ, but, without further restrictions, this many paths

[PDF][PDF] Edge-Disjoint Paths and Unsplittable Flow.

SG Kolliopoulos - 2007 - cgi.di.uoa.gr
paths P1,P2,...,Pk, where Pi is an si −ti path, i = 1,...,k. In the case of vertex-disjoint paths we
are interested in paths … We abbreviate the edge-disjoint paths problem by Edp. The notation …

Disjoint paths in graphs

PD Seymour - Discrete mathematics, 1980 - Elsevier
… Bi, then there do not exist k edge-disjoint paths, because every principal path uses either an
… a* can be used in a collection of edge-disjoint principal paths. The result follows by counting …

Edge-disjoint paths in planar graphs

C Chekuri, S Khanna… - 45th Annual IEEE …, 2004 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
… In this paper we consider the classical edge-disjoint path problem (EDP). We are given a …
The objective is to connect the pairs via edge-disjoint paths. In the maximum edge-disjoint path

Edge-disjoint paths in expander graphs

AM Frieze - SIAM Journal on Computing, 2001 - SIAM
… then after we run Split, we can find edge-disjoint paths from ai to ai in G1 and edgedisjoint
paths from bi to bi in G2, for 1 ≤ i ≤ κ, for any choice of a1,... ,bκ consistent with the premises …

Edge disjoint paths in moderately connected graphs

S Rao, S Zhou - SIAM Journal on Computing, 2010 - SIAM
… We study the edge disjoint paths (EDP) problem in undirected graphs: Given a graph G with
… many terminal pairs as possible using paths that are mutually edge disjoint. This leads to a …

[PDF][PDF] Near-optimal hardness results and approximation algorithms for edge-disjoint paths and related problems

V Guruswami, S Khanna, R Rajaraman… - Proceedings of the …, 1999 - dl.acm.org
… Bounded Length Edge Disjoint Paths (BLEDP) Problems: A second set of problems that …
edge-disjoint paths between specified source-sink pairs in a network such that each of the paths

The edge disjoint paths problem in Eulerian graphs and 4-edge-connected graphs

K Kawarabayashi, Y Kobayashi - Proceedings of the Twenty-First Annual ACM …, 2010 - SIAM
… Our algorithm for the edge-disjoint paths problem in general graphs basically follows … of
the correctness for our algorithm of the edge-disjoint paths problem. More precisely, we do not …