Finite-tree analysis for constraint logic-based languages
… For this reason, we will define a finite-tree analysis based on the abstract domain
schema H×P, where the generic sharing component P is a parameter of the abstract domain …
schema H×P, where the generic sharing component P is a parameter of the abstract domain …
Finite-tree analysis for constraint logic-based languages
… In the sequel, in order to model the constraint accumulation process of logic-based languages,
we will need to characterize those sets of equations that are stronger than (that can be …
we will need to characterize those sets of equations that are stronger than (that can be …
Finite-Tree Analysis for Constraint Logic-Based Languages: The Complete Unabridged Version
… In the sequel, in order to model the constraint accumulation process of logicbased languages,
we will need to characterize those sets of equations that are stronger than (that can be …
we will need to characterize those sets of equations that are stronger than (that can be …
[PDF][PDF] An Efficient and Precise Finite-Tree Analysis for Constraint Logic-Based Languages1
… In the sequel, in order to model the constraint accumulation process of logicbased languages,
we will need to characterize those sets of equations that are stronger than (that can be …
we will need to characterize those sets of equations that are stronger than (that can be …
Analysis of logic programs using regular tree languages
JP Gallagher - International Symposium on Logic-Based Program …, 2011 - Springer
… of finite tree automata provides fundamental notations and tools for reasoning about sets
of terms called regular or recognizable tree languages. … language, grammar and set-constraint-…
of terms called regular or recognizable tree languages. … language, grammar and set-constraint-…
An extended formalism to constraint logic programming for decision analysis
SY Liao, HQ Wang, LJ Liao - Knowledge-based Systems, 2002 - Elsevier
… Logic programming language with Horn clauses is both logic-based and rule-based, so it is
widely accepted as a tool … A decision tree on A is a finite tree with the following restrictions: …
widely accepted as a tool … A decision tree on A is a finite tree with the following restrictions: …
Boolean functions for finite-tree dependencies
… Many logic-based languages refer to a computation domain … domain, H × P, for finitetree
analysis. The H domain, written … we want the concrete constraint accumulation process to be …
analysis. The H domain, written … we want the concrete constraint accumulation process to be …
Constraint logic programming for computational linguistics
F Stolzenburg, S Höhne, U Koch, M Volk - International Conference on …, 1996 - Springer
… logic based natural language systems have not attempted to employ CLP. Our framework
and the prototype system UBS combines logic programming with constraint … be a finite tree …
and the prototype system UBS combines logic programming with constraint … be a finite tree …
Static Analysis [electronic resource]: 8th International Symposium, SAS 2001 Paris, France, July 16–18, 2001 Proceedings
P Cousot -
… and Focussed Static Analyses--Logic and Constraint Programming--Parameterizing a …
Analysis of Logic Programs--Finite-Tree Analysis for Constraint Logic-Based Languages--Invited …
Analysis of Logic Programs--Finite-Tree Analysis for Constraint Logic-Based Languages--Invited …
Compositional clp-based test data generation for imperative languages
… By test cases or method summary, we refer to the set of path constraints obtained by … a
partial specification for the method, since the finite tree may contain incomplete branches which, if …
partial specification for the method, since the finite tree may contain incomplete branches which, if …