[PDF][PDF] Collaboration tools for global software engineering
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Build Tools The more distributed the project, the greater the need for secure, remote
repository and build management. Build tools such as Maven (http://maven. apache. org)
and CruiseControl (http://cruisecontrol. sourceforge. net) let projects maintain remote
repositories and create and schedule workflows. The workflows facilitate continuous
integration for executing scripts, compiling binaries, invoking test frameworks, deploying to
production systems, and sending email notifications to developers. A Web-based dashboard …
repository and build management. Build tools such as Maven (http://maven. apache. org)
and CruiseControl (http://cruisecontrol. sourceforge. net) let projects maintain remote
repositories and create and schedule workflows. The workflows facilitate continuous
integration for executing scripts, compiling binaries, invoking test frameworks, deploying to
production systems, and sending email notifications to developers. A Web-based dashboard …
Build Tools The more distributed the project, the greater the need for secure, remote repository and build management. Build tools such as Maven (http://maven. apache. org) and CruiseControl (http://cruisecontrol. sourceforge. net) let projects maintain remote repositories and create and schedule workflows. The workflows facilitate continuous integration for executing scripts, compiling binaries, invoking test frameworks, deploying to production systems, and sending email notifications to developers. A Web-based dashboard shows the status of current and past builds.
Modelers Model-based collaboration is what distinguishes collaborative software engineering from more general collaboration activities that share only files and not content. 3 Collaborative modeling tools such as Artisan Studio (www. artisansoftwaretools. com), Rational Software Modeler (www. ibm. com/software/awdtools/modeler/swmodeler), and Visible Analyst (www. visible. com/Products/Analyst) help developers create formal or semiformal software artifacts, including visual Unified Modeling Language (UML) models and customized software processes.
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