Adding pronunciation information to wordnets
Proceedings of the LREC 2020 Workshop on Multimodal Wordnets (MMW2020), 2020•
We describe on-going work consisting in adding pronunciation information to wordnets, as
such information can indicate specific senses of a word. Many wordnets associate with their
senses only a lemma form and a part-of-speech tag. At the same time, we are aware that
additional linguistic information can be useful for identifying a specific sense of a wordnet
lemma when encountered in a corpus. While work already deals with the addition of
grammatical number or grammatical gender information to wordnet lemmas, we are …
such information can indicate specific senses of a word. Many wordnets associate with their
senses only a lemma form and a part-of-speech tag. At the same time, we are aware that
additional linguistic information can be useful for identifying a specific sense of a wordnet
lemma when encountered in a corpus. While work already deals with the addition of
grammatical number or grammatical gender information to wordnet lemmas, we are …
We describe on-going work consisting in adding pronunciation information to wordnets, as such information can indicate specific senses of a word. Many wordnets associate with their senses only a lemma form and a part-of-speech tag. At the same time, we are aware that additional linguistic information can be useful for identifying a specific sense of a wordnet lemma when encountered in a corpus. While work already deals with the addition of grammatical number or grammatical gender information to wordnet lemmas, we are investigating the linking of wordnet lemmas to pronunciation information, adding thus a speech-related modality to wordnets
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