[BOOK][B] Logic, Language, Information, and Computation: 18th International Workshop, WoLLIC 2011, Philadelphia, PA, USA, May 18-20, Proceedings

LD Beklemishev, R de Queiroz - 2011 - books.google.com
… © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011 This work is subject to copyright. All rights are
reserved, … This volume contains the papers presented at WOLLIC 2011: 18th Workshop on …

Domain specific compilation in the NVIDIA OptiX ray tracing engine

A Robison - Proceedings of the sixth workshop on Declarative …, 2011 - dl.acm.org
The OptiX™ engine is a programmable ray tracing system designed for NVIDIA(R) GPUs and
other highly parallel architectures. OptiX builds on the key observation that most ray tracing …

The design of Kodu: A tiny visual programming language for children on the Xbox 360

MB MacLaurin - Proceedings of the 38th annual ACM SIGPLAN …, 2011 - dl.acm.org
… In early 2011 we plan to begin work on a global Kodu sharing server which will allow …
We are also actively seeking partners in university to help us extend Kodu with specialized …

Declarative coordination in a multicore environment: the tyranny of streams

A Shafarenko - Proceedings of the sixth workshop on Declarative …, 2011 - dl.acm.org
This talk will focus on the declarative coordination language S-Net developed by the speaker
in collaboration with members of the Compilation Technology and Computer Architecture …

Reachability in concurrent uninterpreted programs

S La Torre, M Parthasarathy - 39th IARCS Annual Conference on …, 2019 - drops.dagstuhl.de
We study the safety verification (reachability problem) for concurrent programs with
uninterpreted functions/relations. By extending the notion of coherence, recently identified for …

Program synthesis

S Gulwani, O Polozov, R Singh - Foundations and Trends® in …, 2017 - nowpublishers.com
… In the USA: This journal is registered at the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., 222 Rosewood
Drive, Danvers, MA 01923. Authorization to photocopy items for internal or personal use, or …

Violat: generating tests of observational refinement for concurrent objects

M Emmi, C Enea - … , CAV 2019, New York City, NY, USA, July 15-18, 2019 …, 2019 - Springer
High-performance multithreaded software often relies on optimized implementations of
common abstract data types (ADTs) like counters, key-value stores, and queues, ie, concurrent …

Blame for all

A Ahmed, RB Findler, JG Siek, P Wadler - Proceedings of the 38th …, 2011 - dl.acm.org
… Our system includes a notion of blame, which allows us to show that when casting
between a more-precise type and a less-precise type, any cast failures are due to the less-precisely-…

Relaxed-memory concurrency and verified compilation

J Ŝevčik, V Vafeiadis, F Zappa Nardelli… - Proceedings of the 38th …, 2011 - dl.acm.org
In this paper, we consider the semantic design and verified compilation of a C-like programming
language for concurrent shared-memory computation above x86 multiprocessors. The …

Points-to analysis with efficient strong updates

O Lhoták, KCA Chung - Proceedings of the 38th annual ACM SIGPLAN …, 2011 - dl.acm.org
This paper explores a sweet spot between flow-insensitive and flow-sensitive subset-based
points-to analysis. Flow-insensitive analysis is efficient: it has been applied to million-line …