Nanna Bonde Thylstrup
Cited by
Cited by
The politics of mass digitization
N Bonde Thylstrup
Cambridge, ma: mit Press, 2018
Uncertain archives: Critical keywords for big data
NB Thylstrup, D Agostinho, A Ring, C D'Ignazio, K Veel
MIT Press, 2021
The temporal flows of self-tracking: Checking in, moving on, staying hooked
S Lomborg, NB Thylstrup, J Schwartz
New Media & Society 20 (12), 4590-4607, 2018
Data out of place: Toxic traces and the politics of recycling
NB Thylstrup
Big Data & Society 6 (2), 2053951719875479, 2019
The Uncertain Image
D Agostinho, U Ekman, NB Thylstrup, K Veel
Routledge, 2017
The ethics and politics of data sets in the age of machine learning: Deleting traces and encountering remains
NB Thylstrup
Media, Culture & Society 44 (4), 655-671, 2022
Uncertain archives: Approaching the unknowns, errors, and vulnerabilities of big data through cultural theories of the archive
D Agostinho, C D'Ignazio, A Ring, NB Thylstrup, K Veel
Surveillance & Society 17 (3/4), 422-441, 2019
Datafied knowledge production: Introduction to the special theme
N Bonde Thylstrup, M Flyverbom, R Helles
Big Data & Society 6 (2), 2053951719875985, 2019
Geolocating the stranger: the mapping of uncertainty as a configuration of matching and warranting techniques in dating apps
K Veel, NB Thylstrup
Journal of Aesthetics & Culture 10 (3), 43-52, 2018
Politics of data reuse in machine learning systems: Theorizing reuse entanglements
NB Thylstrup, KB Hansen, M Flyverbom, L Amoore
Big Data & Society 9 (2), 20539517221139785, 2022
Detecting ‘dirt’and ‘toxicity’: Rethinking content moderation as pollution behaviour
N Thylstrup, Z Talat
Available at SSRN 3709719, 2020
(W) archives: Archival Imaginaries, War, and Contemporary Art
D Agostinho, S Gade, NB Thylstrup, K Veel
Sternberg Press, 2021
If truth was a woman: Leaky infrastructures and the gender politics of truth-telling
D Agostinho, NB Thylstrup
ephemera: theory & politics in organization 19 (4), 745-775, 2019
Lost and Living (in) Archives: Collectively Shapping New Memories
A Dekker, B Afrassiabi, D Barok, T Bastajian, N Bonde Thylstrup, ...
Critique d’art, Livres collectifs, 2017
The optical unconscious of Big Data: Datafication of vision and care for unknown futures
D Agostinho
Big Data & Society 6 (1), 2053951719826859, 2019
Cultural memory in the digital age
NB Thylstrup
transcript, 2018
The transformative power of the thumbnail image: Media logistics and infrastructural aesthetics
N Thylstrup, S Teilmann-Lock
First Monday, 2017
The digital dimension of European cultural politics: Index, intellectual property and internet governance
N Thylstrup
Culture Unbound 3 (3), 317-336, 2011
Stack bricolage and infrastructural impermanence in financial machine-learning modelling
KB Hansen, N Thylstrup
Journal of Cultural Economy 17 (1), 20-38, 2024
Beyond cyberutopia and digital disenchantment: pragmatic engagements with and from within the Internet
M Kaufmann, A Leander, NB Thylstrup
First Monday 25 (5), 2020
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Articles 1–20