Pierre St Juste
Cited by
Cited by
Dissent in numbers: Making strong anonymity scale
DI Wolinsky, H Corrigan-Gibbs, B Ford, A Johnson
10th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI …, 2012
Integrating overlay and social networks for seamless p2p networking
RJ Figueiredo, PO Boykin, PS Juste, D Wolinsky
2008 IEEE 17th Workshop on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for …, 2008
Machine learning-based runtime scheduler for mobile offloading framework
H Eom, PS Juste, R Figueiredo, O Tickoo, R Illikkal, R Iyer
2013 IEEE/ACM 6th International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing, 17-25, 2013
SocialVPN: Enabling wide-area collaboration with integrated social and overlay networks
PS Juste, D Wolinsky, PO Boykin, MJ Covington, RJ Figueiredo
Computer Networks 54 (12), 1926-1938, 2010
On the design of scalable, self-configuring virtual networks
DI Wolinsky, Y Liu, PS Juste, G Venkatasubramanian, R Figueiredo
Proceedings of the Conference on High Performance Computing Networking …, 2009
Addressing the P2P bootstrap problem for small overlay networks
DI Wolinsky, PS Juste, PO Boykin, R Figueiredo
2010 IEEE Tenth International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing (P2P), 1-10, 2010
Opencl-based remote offloading framework for trusted mobile cloud computing
H Eom, PS Juste, R Figueiredo, O Tickoo, R Illikkal, R Iyer
2013 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 240-248, 2013
TinCan: User-Defined P2P Virtual Network Overlays for Ad-hoc Collaboration
P St Juste, K Jeong, H Eom, C Baker, R Figueiredo
EAI Endorsed Transactions on Collaborative Computing 1 (2), 1-15, 2014
Snarf: a social networking-inspired accelerator remoting framework
H Eom, P St Juste, R Figueiredo, O Tickoo, R Illikkal, R Iyer
Proceedings of the first edition of the MCC workshop on Mobile cloud …, 2012
Low energy socially cognizant routing for delay tolerant mobile networks
C Baker, J Almodovar-Faria, PS Juste, J McNair
MILCOM 2013-2013 IEEE Military Communications Conference, 299-304, 2013
TinCan: user‐defined p2p virtual network overlays for ad‐hoc collaboration
PS Juste
EAI Endorsed Transactions on Collaborative Computing 14 (2), 15, 2014
Enabling decentralised microblogging through P2PVPNs
PS Juste, H Eom, B Woodruff, C Baker, R Figueiredo
International Journal of Security and Networks 8 (3), 169-178, 2013
Oversoc: Social profile based overlays
DI Wolinsky, PS Juste, PO Boykin, R Figueiredo
2010 19th IEEE International Workshops on Enabling Technologies …, 2010
Litter: A lightweight peer-to-peer microblogging service
PS Juste, D Wolinsky, PO Boykin, RJ Figueiredo
2011 IEEE Third International Conference on Privacy, Security, Risk and …, 2011
On the use of social networking groups for automatic configuration of virtual grid environments
P St Juste, D Wolinsky, J Xu, M Covington, R Figueiredo
2008 Grid Computing Environments Workshop, 1-10, 2008
A multidimensional heuristic for social routing in peer-to-peer networks
S Jia, P St Juste, RJ Figueiredo
2013 IEEE 10th Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC), 329-335, 2013
Facilitating the deployment of ad-hoc virtual organizations with integrated social and overlay networks
R Figueiredo, PO Boykin, P St. Juste, D Wolinsky
Proceedings of the 17th international symposium on High performance …, 2008
Advancing Educational Capacity: Using the SCOOP Educational Virtual Appliance
JR Davis, V Paramygin, B Tutak, PS Juste, RJ Figueiredo, YP Sheng
Estuarine and Coastal Modeling (2009), 201-220, 2010
A peer-to-peer architecture for social networking applications
PS Juste
University of Florida, 2014
Towards social profile based overlays
DI Wolinsky, PS Juste, PO Boykin, R Figueiredo
arXiv preprint arXiv:1002.0865, 2010
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Articles 1–20