Rui Alves

Rui Alves

Engage! 🙌

534 stories

The author’s campervan by the side of the road at dusk.
Many purses hang on a sales rack
Rui Alves

Rui Alves

Saved 2 read again 🔝

550 stories

Rui Alves

Rui Alves

Insightful stories I've read on Medium 🧠 💡

55 stories

During a 5 days expedition in Dividalen, Norway.
Rui Alves

Rui Alves

I Dare You to Join the Babel

75 stories

A typewriter drawing with the lettering: “I’ve been meaning to write.”
Rui Alves

Rui Alves

Great Stories From Medium Friends 📖

859 stories

During a 5 days expedition in Dividalen, Norway.
Rui Alves

Rui Alves

Boosted Stories on Engage

4 stories

The author on top of a cliff with the ocean on the background.
Statue of Aphrodite in shadow
Rui Alves

Rui Alves

Beloved Stories ❤️‍🔥

165 stories

Baby Kai sleeping.
Marisa Abela as Amy Whinehouse and Jack O’Connell as Blake in the biopic: “Back to Black.”
A small bird on a branch, black streak of weathers under its looking like a WWI flying Ace. Gray feathers across back and wings with a white fluffy belly. Its small, maybe a chickadee, perched on a branch at eye level.
Rui Alves

Rui Alves

Boosted stories across Medium 🚀

419 stories

Rui Alves

Rui Alves

The Stories That Rock Our World on Rock n'Heavy 🖤

317 stories

View of the stage. Black and white photo taken from the audience perspective.
Rui Alves

Rui Alves

Are We All AI? 🦾

27 stories

A jar spilling small golden nuggets.
A black and red LEGO starship in front of my laptop screen showing the Leonardo AI homepage.
A cute virtual assistant AI chatbot using a laptop.
Rui Alves

Rui Alves

The Writer's Life ✍️

111 stories

Black and white photo of a writer sitting on a street with a small table and typewriter and a sign that reads: “Poet for Hire: Pay What You Like.”
A colorful collage of diverse elements over a yellow background.
Rui Alves

Rui Alves

Poetry 💡

27 stories

Black and white photo of a writer sitting on a street with a small table and typewriter and a sign that reads: “Poet for Hire: Pay What You Like.”
Couple joining hands against a triangle of blue light.
Rui Alves

Rui Alves

HERstory 👩

11 stories

A colorful digital image of an African woman.
Rui Alves

Rui Alves

History in Words 📜

38 stories

A man stands on a cracked road, staring at a landscape devastated by an earthquake.
A colorful painting of a rural house shows it with light-colored stone walls, a blue door, and a matching window. Flowers grow against its walls.
One of the two Iron Lungs at Fort Sam Houston.
Rui Alves

Rui Alves

Black Friday

1 story

Rui Alves

Rui Alves

Christmas 🎄

5 stories

Calculator and dollar bills on an green background flat lay.
A single man at home during Christmas time.
A rooster standing amid Christmas decorations.
Rui Alves

Rui Alves

About FOM

45 stories

Creator making a funny “what the heck” face next to the “Friend of Medium” badge.
Rui Alves

Rui Alves

Love & Lust 👄

9 stories

Photo taken atop a hill at the Capelinhos eruption site on Faial Island in the Azores is simply breathtaking.
A married woman with a wedding ring on her finger reads an entry on an old dictionary about gaslighting and how narcissistic abusers play mind games to bend the target’s will to their desires.
Happy single man hugging himself on New Year’s Eve with glimmering lettering on the right saying “Happy New Year.”
Rui Alves

Rui Alves

Travel & World ✈️

22 stories

Photo taken atop a hill at the Capelinhos eruption site on Faial Island in the Azores is simply breathtaking.
Rui Alves

Rui Alves

Musical Musings 🎹

97 stories

Statues of the Beatles seen walking on a street in Liverpool.
Actor Bradley Cooper is seen wearing a blue suit, white shirt, and bow tie as he plays conductor Leonard Bernstein in the upcoming movie ‘Maestro.’
Rui Alves

Rui Alves

Friend of Medium

Language teacher, linguist, life coach, published author (joined the Army and worked for the EU). A publisher, digital ronin, musician and alchemist of sound.