Advanced WordPress Development Tools
Radicle is an opinionated starting point for WordPress projects with the Roots stack
Integrate Laravel functionality into WordPress projects
WordPress boilerplate with Composer, easier configuration, and an improved folder structure
WordPress starter theme with Laravel Blade components and templates, Tailwind CSS, and block editor support
WordPress LEMP stack with PHP 8.2, Composer, WP-CLI and more
acorn v5.0.1 released
vite-plugin v1.0.3 released
radicle v2.0.0 released
sage v11.0.0 released
acorn v5.0.0 released
vite-plugin v1.0.2 released
vite-plugin v1.0.1 released
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Some folks that use our tools
I'm a big fan of Bedrock (and all of Roots in general)
Bedrock is like the bridge between WordPress and the rest of PHP
In my opinion, the toolkit is the most sane way to do WordPress in 2023
Roots' distros have been essential to jumping back into WordPress devel after a decade out. Until WP quits being an antiquated, monetized pit of code, this is all that’s holding my sanity in check.
Bedrock is doing a huge service to the WordPress community, and I can see it being adopted as the standard for WordPress development. Hopefully as more people adopt it, the developer community at large will view WordPress sites on similar footing as more “professional” platforms.
If you have to use WordPress, use Bedrock for your web app and Sage to develop your custom theme. Any Laravel developer will feel at home in these tools.
I think 2 years ago I tweeted to y'all to say I love Sage -- now I'm getting started with Bedrock and loving it! thank you for making me feel like WordPress can be sane, secure, and modern.