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Title: Fabrication and thermoelectric properties of multilayer textured Sr-doped Ca3Co4O9/Ag laminar composites
Author: Amirkhizi, P.
Madre, M. A.
Wang, H. C.
Li, Z. H.
Torres, M. A.
Sotelo, A.
Hedayati, M.
Kavaleuski, A. V.
Rasekh, Sh.
Keywords: Multilayer Ca3Co4O9/Ag composite
Hot-uniaxial pressing
TE properties
Issue Date: 15-Nov-2024
Publisher: Elsevier
Abstract: This work presents a comparative analysis of pure and Ag-intercalated Ca3Co4O9 multilayer thermoelectric materials prepared through the hot-uniaxial pressing technique. Samples were prepared by attrition milling and hot-pressed at 900 °C and 55 MPa for 1 h. They were mirror polished, and some of them were stacked with and without intermediate Ag foil and hot-pressed again at 900 °C and 52 MPa for 1 h. Out-of-plane XRD showed that samples are nearly single-phase, and the grains are well oriented with their ab-plane perpendicular to the pressure direction. Microstructural studies confirmed perfect welding in the multilayer samples accompanied by the formation of a very thin layer containing larger grains and notable Ag diffusion close to the Ca3Co4O9/Ag interface. Three-point bending stresses have been increased in Ag-containing samples, while microhardness has been raised in all samples hot-pressed twice. Thermoelectric measurements showed a decrease of thermal gradient along the Ag-containing sample, together with a drastic decrease of electrical resistivity when compared to the Ag-free ones. However, the Ag-layers have promoted a drastic decrease in the Seebeck coefficient, reflected in a notable reduction of the power factor of Ca3Co4O9/Ag multilayer composites. Nevertheless, these results show that it is possible to use these materials to reduce Joule heating and increasing the compatibility with the welding compounds when building thermoelectric modules. Moreover, they open a new research line searching for larger S compounds to be intercalated with Ag foils.
Peer review: yes
DOI: 10.1016/j.ceramint.2024.09.030
ISSN: 0272-8842
Appears in Collections:CICECO - Artigos
DEMaC - Artigos

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