Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 119
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Type | Access Type |
27-Mar-2024 | The n-Queens graph and its generalizations | Costa, Inês Filipa Serôdio | doctoralThesis |  |
11-Jan-2024 | On the theory of spatio-temporal models for time series of counts and its application to health outcomes | Martins, Ana Raquel Ferreira | doctoralThesis |  |
27-Oct-2023 | Riemann–Hilbert problems in the theory of matrix orthogonal polynomials | Fradi, Assil | doctoralThesis |  |
29-Sep-2023 | Optimal control and biomathematics: modeling, control and optimization | Abdelaziz, Zaitri Mohamed | doctoralThesis |  |
18-Jan-2023 | Models for limited-dependent variables | Sousa, Rodney Carvalho Afonso de | doctoralThesis |  |
30-Jan-2023 | Multivariate contributions in the decomposition of a time series | Silva, Alberto Oliveira da | doctoralThesis |  |
13-Dec-2022 | Fractional optimal control and biological applications | Ndaïrou, Faïçal | doctoralThesis |  |
1994 | Estimação robusta com variáveis instrumentais em modelos com erros-nas-variáveis | Miranda, Maria Manuela Souto de | doctoralThesis |  |
18-Jul-2022 | Stochastic fractional generalizations in optimal control | Houssine, Zine | doctoralThesis |  |
26-Apr-2022 | Faithful permutation representations of C-groups | Piedade, Claudio Alexandre Guerra Silva Gomes da | doctoralThesis |  |
27-Jan-2022 | Convolutional codes for multi-shot network coding | Santana, Vanessa Filipa de Sousa | doctoralThesis |  |
27-Jan-2022 | Smaller keys for McEliece cryptosystems using convolutional encoders | Sebastião, Cláudia Maria Ferreira | doctoralThesis |  |
1996 | Um novo majorante para o número de independência de um grafo obtido por técnicas de programação quadrática | Luz, Carlos Jorge da Silva | doctoralThesis |  |
1998 | Nova classe de aproximações em teoria de valores extremos | Freitas, Adelaide de Fátima Baptista Valente | doctoralThesis |  |
2001 | Soluções generalizadas para problemas L-Q singulares | Guerra, Manuel Cidraes Castro | doctoralThesis |  |
25-Feb-2021 | Actions, injectives and injective hulls in quantale-enriched multicategories | Martinelli, Eros | doctoralThesis |  |
20-Nov-2020 | Aspects of Einstein-Maxwell-scalar models: solitons, duality and scalarisation | Oliveira, João Miguel da Silva | doctoralThesis |  |
2-Jul-2020 | Dynamic analysis and optimal control with applications to economics | Kostylenko, Olena | doctoralThesis |  |
Mar-2019 | Recognition of graphs with convex quadratic stability number | Pacheco, Maria de Fátima Moreira da Silva | doctoralThesis |  |
Feb-2019 | Kleisli dualities and Vietoris coalgebras | Nora, Pedro Miguel Teixeira Olhero Pessoa | doctoralThesis |  |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 119