Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 557
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Type | Access Type |
25-Nov-2024 | Manutenção hospitalar: engenharia clínica | Costa, Ana Margarida Dias da | masterThesis |  |
25-Nov-2024 | Development of a non-intrusive system for vital signs monitoring in the lower limbs | Simões, Joana Rodrigues | masterThesis |  |
21-Nov-2024 | Cancer cell therapy using metal-based carbon dots for bioorthogonal catalysis | Martins, Ana Lúcia Ferreira | masterThesis |  |
7-Nov-2024 | Exploring emerging biomarkers for the management of heart failure in DBS | Colaço, Beatriz dos Santos | masterThesis |  |
24-Oct-2024 | Optical fibre LSPR immunosensing: from gold nanoparticles production to biosensor characterisation | Tavares, Gil Coelho | masterThesis |  |
19-Dec-2024 | Simulação de imagens do céu noturno e deteção automática de rastros de satélites na órbita terrestre baixa | Alves, Constança Mendes | masterThesis |  |
16-Dec-2024 | Urine strip reader prototype based on colourimetry and machine learning for point of care monitoring | Madeira, Alexandre Miguel Correia | masterThesis |  |
20-Dec-2024 | Desenvolvimento de metodologias de ensaio para caraterização de guias de onda com aplicação no interior automóvel | Moreira, Rita Pereira | masterThesis |  |
19-Dec-2024 | Monitorização de índice de refração de gases utilizando sensores baseados em fibra ótica de cristal fotónico de núcleo oco | Cândido, Pedro Miguel Parreira | masterThesis |  |
18-Dec-2024 | Development of solution-processed thin-films transistors based on hybrid systems of silicon nanoparticles and carbon nanotubes | Meira, Mónica Sofia Faria | masterThesis |  |
18-Dec-2024 | Development of an induction flow and temperature sensor | Matias, Bernardo Miguel Matos Senos | masterThesis |  |
17-Dec-2024 | Passivação de defeitos em perovskitas de haletos de chumbo através da formação de uma heteroestrutura com semicondutores orgânicos | Ferreira, Rafael Almeida | masterThesis |  |
17-Dec-2024 | 50 gigabit passive optical networks and their coexistence with quantum channels | Cruz, Diogo Vidas da | masterThesis |  |
17-Dec-2024 | Estudo da quimiluminescência de chamas de pré-mistura de metano e hidrogénio para diferentes razões CH₄/H₂ e ar/combustível | Gomes, Ana Margarida Cavaleiro | masterThesis |  |
16-Dec-2024 | Structural and optical characterization of AlN nanowires implanted with Tm | Soares, Magda Maria Ferreira | masterThesis |  |
6-Dec-2024 | Development of an optical fiber-based system for charging lithium batteries by wireless power transfer | Cabrita, Pedro Duarte | masterThesis |  |
20-Dec-2024 | Laser processing of calcium manganite-based materials for thermoelectric generators | Batista, Francisco Jorge Quelhas | masterThesis |  |
5-Dec-2024 | Optical sensor for the detection of contaminants in water | Barata, Moisés Antunes Salvado Martins | masterThesis |  |
4-Dec-2024 | Optical 3D printing of freeform lenses | Mendes, José Pedro da Cunha Martins | masterThesis |  |
4-Dec-2024 | Optimization of electrical charging process of biomaterials | Gonçalves, André Carvalho | masterThesis |  |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 557