Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 38
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Type | Access Type |
Jul-2022 | Fraunhofer's work on perfecting achromatic lens production: contributions from the History of Science and Technology to science teachers' educators | Alvarado-Guzmán, Lisbeth Lorena; Malaquias, Isabel; Nardi, Roberto | conferenceObject |  |
3-Aug-2022 | Additive manufactured stoneware fired in microwave furnace | Santos, Tiago; Ramani, Melinda; Devesa, Susana; Batista, Catarina; Franco, Margarida; Duarte, Isabel; Costa, Luís; Ferreira, Nelson; Alves, Nuno; Pascoal-Faria, Paula | conferenceObject |  |
Sep-2020 | Long-period grating based single-mode fiber to multi-core fiber pump coupler | Sousa, Liliana M.; Facão, Margarida; Fernandes, Gil M.; Nogueira, Rogério N.; Rocha, Ana M. | conferenceObject |  |
Jun-2019 | Analysis of the coupling between a single-mode fiber to a multi-core fiber with long-period gratings | Sousa, Liliana; Fernandes, Gil M.; Facão, Margarida; Nogueira, Rogério N.; Rocha, Ana M. | conferenceObject |  |
2019 | Percursos de construção: na espuma da memória | Malaquias, Isabel | conferenceObject |  |
2019 | Percursos de construção II: na espuma da memória | Malaquias, Isabel | conferenceObject |  |
2019 | The moon race popularization through the pages of National Geographic | Pereira, Luís; Malaquias, Isabel; Bonifácio, Vitor | conferenceObject |  |
Jul-2021 | Specific microstructural effects on the performance of thermoelectric oxides | Kovalevsky, Andrei V.; Arias-Serrano, Blanca I.; Mikhalev, Sergey M.; Constantinescu, Gabriel; Zakharchuk, Kiryl V.; Sergiienko, Sergii A.; Rasekh, Shahed; Ferreira, Nuno M.; Xie, Wenjie; Weidenkaff, Anke; Frade, Jorge R. | conferenceObject |  |
2020 | Simulação de um sensor ótico baseado em microcavidade ressonante para medição de índice de refração | Freitas, F.; Facão, M.; Ferreira, M. S. | conferenceObject |  |
2020 | Oxide thermoelectrics prepared by laser melting: effects of processing atmosphere | Lopes, D.; Ferreira, N. M.; Carreira, F. P.; Fortes, Iolanda; Kovalevsky, A. V. | conferenceObject |  |
Jul-2020 | Oxide thermoelectrics prepared by laser melting: effects of processing atmosphere | Lopes, D.; Ferreira, N. M.; Carreira, F. P.; Fortes, Iolanda; Kovalevsky, A. V. | conferenceObject |  |
Jul-2020 | Strontium titanate and zinc-oxide-based materials for high-temperature thermoelectric harvesting | Kovalevsky, Andrei V.; Zakharchuk, Kiryl V.; Ferreira, Nuno M.; Xie, Wenjie; Patrício, Sonia G.; Arias-Serrano, Blanca I.; Mikhalev, Sergey M.; Lopes, Diogo; Constantinescu, Gabriel; Sergiienko, Sergii A.; Costa, Florinda M.; Frade, Jorge R.; Weidenkaff, Anke | conferenceObject |  |
2019 | Enhancement on thermoelectric properties of BaTiTaO by Ca doping | Rasekh, Sh.; Kovalevsky, A.; Costa, F. M.; Natoli, A. | conferenceObject |  |
2019 | Post heat-treatment effects on CaMnO3 thermoelectrics grown by laser floating zone method | Ferreira, N. M.; Madre, M. A.; Sotelo, A.; Kovalevsky, A. V.; Costa, F. M. | conferenceObject |  |
2018 | Um retrato de duas sociedades astronómicas | Bonifácio, Vitor; Pereira, Luís Miguel dos Santos; Malaquias, Isabel; Fernandes, João; Fernandes, Joana | conferenceObject |  |
2018 | Science et vie and the genesis of space exploration | Pereira, Luís; Malaquias, Isabel; Bonifácio, Vitor | conferenceObject |  |
2019 | Ceramic-based thermoelectric materials processed by laser | Ferreira, N. M.; Madre, M. A.; Sotelo, A.; Kovalevsky, A. V.; Costa, F. M. | conferenceObject |  |
Sep-2019 | New high-pressure fullerene structures | Laranjeira, J.; Marques, L. | conferenceObject |  |
13-Jun-2019 | Structure determination of high-pressure C70 phases through a joint XRD/DFT study | Marques, L.; Skorokhod, Y.; Laranjeira, J.; Soares, R. | conferenceObject |  |
8-May-2019 | 3D C60 polymers with ordered binary-alloy type structures investigated via DFT | Laranjeira, J.; Marques, L.; Fortunato, N. M.; Melle-Franco, M.; Strutynski, K.; Barroso, M. | conferenceObject |  |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 38