Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 21
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Type | Access Type |
1-Sep-2023 | Starting with the differential: representation of monogenic functions by polynomials of non-monogenic variables | Malonek, H. R.; Cação, I.; Falcão, M. I.; Tomaz, G. | bookPart |  |
1-Sep-2023 | Generalized Vietoris’ number sequences from real and hypercomplex points of view | Cação, I.; Malonek, H. R.; Falcão, M. I.; Tomaz, G. | bookPart |  |
22-Nov-2023 | On Vietoris convolution triangles | Cação, Isabel | bookPart |  |
23-Jun-2023 | Remarks on the Vietoris sequence and corresponding convolution formulas | Cação, Isabel; Falcão, M. Irene; Malonek, Helmuth R.; Miranda, Fernando; Tomaz, Graça | conferenceObject |  |
2022 | Real-time condition-based maintenance of friction welding tools by generalized fault trees | Nunes, Pedro; Rocha, Eugénio M.; Neves, Jorge; Santos, José | bookPart |  |
2022 | Non-symmetric number triangles arising from hypercomplex function theory in Rn+1 | Cação, Isabel; Falcão, M. Irene; Malonek, Helmuth R.; Tomaz, Graça | conferenceObject |  |
Jun-2022 | On a regular ψ-fractional Sturm-Liouville problem | Ferreira, M.; Rodrigues, M. M.; Vieira, N. | bookPart |  |
2022 | ψ-Hilfer fractional relaxation-oscillation equation | Vieira, N.; Ferreira, M.; Rodrigues, M. Manuela | bookPart |  |
2021 | Riemann–Hilbert problem and matrix biorthogonal polynomials | Branquinho, Amílcar; Foulquié-Moreno, Ana; Mañas-Baena, Manuel | bookPart |  |
29-Aug-2019 | Harmonic Analysis and hypercomplex function theory in co-dimension one | Malonek, Helmuth R.; Cação, Isabel; Falcão, M. Irene; Tomaz, Graça | bookPart |  |
2019 | Applications of parabolic Dirac operators to the instationary viscous MHD equations on conformally flat manifolds | Cerejeiras, Paula; Kähler, Uwe; Kraußhar, Sören R. | bookPart |  |
2019 | Finite element exterior calculus with script geometry | Cerejeiras, Paula; Kähler, Uwe; Legatiuk, Dmitrii | bookPart |  |
9-Aug-2019 | Boundary values of discrete monogenic functions over bounded domains in $$ \mathbb{R}^3 $$ | Cerejeiras, Paula; Kähler, Uwe; Legatiuk, Anastasiia; Legatiuk, Dmitrii | bookPart |  |
2018 | Some applications of parabolic Dirac Operators to the instationary Navier-Stokes problem on conformally flat cylinders and tori in R^3 | Cerejeiras, P.; Kahler, U.; Krausshar, Soeren | bookPart |  |
Oct-2018 | From hermitean clifford analysis to subelliptic dirac operators on odd dimensional spheres and other CR manifolds | Cerejeiras, P.; Kahler, U.; Ryan, J. | bookPart |  |
Sep-2017 | Fischer decomposition in generalized fractional Clifford Analysis | Cerejeiras, Paula; Fonseca, Aurineide; Kähler, Uwe; Vieira, Nelson | bookPart |  |
Sep-2017 | Multidimensional time fractional diffusion equation | Ferreira, Milton dos Santos; Vieira, Nelson Felipe Loureiro | bookPart |  |
23-Nov-2016 | Compressed sensing with nonlinear Fourier atoms | Cerejeiras, Paula; Qiuhui Chen; Gomes, Narciso; Hartmann, Stefan | bookPart |  |
23-Nov-2016 | Script geometry | Cerejeiras, P.; Kahler, U.; Sommen, F.; Vajiac, A. | bookPart |  |
2016 | Eigenfunctions and fundamental solutions of the Caputo fractional Laplace and Dirac operators | Ferreira, Milton dos Santos; Vieira, Nelson Felipe Loureiro | bookPart |  |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 21