Update 0.10

Yes It's still not an 1.0 patch, still just 0.10 because i am still adding new mechanics... Now for the real things, A ton of things happened behind the scenes that you can't see, reworks and other stuff, But I sat down almost full time thes last 8 weeks to get some seeable content done as well ^^

First of, kinda the big new thing:

Instead of having AI images for the character view, it's now all hand drawn by me, means it's far more similar and modular, meaning I can easily add new sizes and new races as well as other stuff.

Second, kinda connected:

The other big thing in this update is the cursed tribes part 2 update, now all the cursed tribal warriors can drop 2 unique to the tribe Accessories, these are, as one could think though cursed...You can equip these and exceed the known sizes for most things and even see some new changes to your character~

Third, The accessoirs

Again connected to the one before, the new cursed accessoirs are having their own slots, Headpiece, necklace, bracelets, earrings. so you can equip 4 of them at once all giving unique and big buffs to your stats while making traveling harder.

Fourth, the curses itself.

Like I said, you can now have new seeable changes to your character, like hyper breasts, or crotch or other new things...(Pssst also multiple breasts now) All of these make the part specially sensible and vulnerable, so each enemy has as one would think a prefered typ or body part~ You can look those up at Fores plce, she has a jounal with all of their preferences noted down ^^ You can of curse try to shrink your parts again but as long as you have those curses on you it will quickly revert~ If you fulfill the enemies preference to an extend they will have special attacks on those making you very horny very fast, and if you have The full curse on one part(2 cursed items with the same curse) They will have a possibility of one shotting you, overwhelming you quickly and having a special scene, playing with you and corrupting you even more through it~(Only for open world enemies so 40 new sex scenes)

Fifth, New npc

You can find a new npc, Tempest the cursed kobold in the mudbar in the mud village, she can get rid of those curses and help you with their effects, though she does want some money for it, you can also sell the cursed items to her for a quick buck, soon she will have more things to do but for now that's it ^^

Sixth, other stuff:

This is all fun and stuff, but there are also smaller things, lots of bug fixes, Fore got her sprite reworked and some items got changed, I expect many bugs to appear because so much of the cource code got changed, but hope you all stay with me and report them so I can make it all better ^^


Redemptions Keep V 10.1
31 days ago

Get Redemptions Keep


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(1 edit) (+3)

Really Love the addition of your art, gives it more character. <3


Honestly, your art seems way better.