
146 Pins
Interview: Hell is Empty, All the Demons are with Jim Pavelec
My fascination with demonology started during teenage years, when discovering the sculptures of the cathedrals and the paintings of Hieronymus Bosch. As I was also a bookworm, I finally stumbled on the Ars Goetia, a 17th century grimoire listing more than 70 different demons, with their bizarre appearances. Since then, I have kept an interest in art representations of these creatures, which are actually embodying some elements of our humanity rather than being pure evil. With that in mind, the
La tentación de Lilith |ManekiTatsu
He mezclado de todo un poco, la manzana, los sigilos/sellos que representan a Lilith, el fuego (aludiendo al "infierno") y un material viscoso que cae sobre la manzana para simbolizar lo tétrico, místico y positivo que trae esta antigua diosa oscura. Para entenderlo mejor, recomiendo investigar su historia."Renich viasa avage Lilith lirach"