What If You Die Tomorrow?

The Alarm Rings at 6 AM — Your Last Sunrise?

The Taoist Online
Published in
4 min readJan 7, 2024


Photo by davide ragusa on Unsplash

You awake to the chirping of birds outside your window. For a moment, the morning seems like any other. Then you remember — today is your last day on Earth.

How does this make you feel? Afraid? Sad? Panicked? Relieved? Or just numb? Death has an odd way of putting life into perspective.

As you shuffle to the bathroom, you catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror. Are those new wrinkles around your eyes? When did your hair start going gray? Funny how time seemed to drag on forever, yet suddenly became so scarce.

You brush your teeth slowly, savoring the minty foam. Who knew plaque removal could be so poignant? Even the most mundane routines take on new meaning when you know it’s the last time.

Over a bowl of cereal, you ponder your impending demise. Will it be painful? Peaceful? Absurd? Comical? Morbid curiosity gnaws at you between bites.

So much left undone! Your bucket list flashes before you, taunting you with unfinished dreams. Hikes not taken, skills not learned, places not visited, loved ones not hugged enough. Regret sinks in.

But it’s not too late! Today may be your last, but you’re not dead yet. A strange excitement bubbles up as you realize — this is your chance to live more boldly than ever before!

Seize The Day!

You race back to your room, heart pumping, and throw open the closet. Today, fashion rules go out the window! You grab the loudest Hawaiian shirt, don neon green socks, and top it off with that hat you bought as a joke but could never actually wear. Perfect!

On your way out, you pause by the photo gallery in the hall. Your eyes linger on each framed memory, reflecting on the people who shaped your life. You pick up the phone to tell your loved ones how much they mean to you. Time may be short, but the impact we have on others ripples onward.

Stepping outside, you breathe in the crisp morning air as if for the first time. Dewdrops glisten on the grass like tiny diamonds. The colors seem brighter, the breeze cooler, the birdsong sweeter. It’s as if a filter has been removed, intensifying the beauty around you.

Reveling in the sensory feast, you set off down the road, unsure where you’re headed but feeling spontaneous. At the corner bus stop, a decision is made. You hop on the next bus, ready for adventure. Chin up, shoulders back, you stride down the aisle oozing confidence. People notice. A buzz of excitement hums through you. Today, inhibition has no place in your vocabulary.

You strike up conversations with fellow passengers — something you never do. Strangers become fast friends. At one stop, a man boards wearing huge red clown shoes. On impulse, you ask if you can try them on. Soon you’re clomping up the aisle, red shoes flapping, eliciting cheers and laughter. Your inner child beams brightly.

When hunger calls, you leap off the bus and follow your nose to a nearby diner. The sizzling bacon beckons. You order the biggest stack of buttermilk pancakes on the menu, topped with whipped cream and sprinkles. No holding back today — bring on the carbs, calories, and cholesterol! You can worry about clogged arteries tomorrow. Oops. Scratch that.

Between decadent bites, you pull out a notebook. It’s time to pen that novel you’ve been meaning to write or draft the next Pulitzer Prize-winning poem. Creativity flows freely without the inner critic squashing your muse. Genius cannot be rushed, but today the sand in the hourglass adds urgency.

You meander down streets never explored, poking your head into shops and galleries. A mural of colorful hot air balloons inspires you to add skydiving to your bucket list. Is it too late to cross that off now?

Wandering into a music shop, your eyes alight on a gleaming piano. You’ve always wanted to learn! Running your fingers over the ivory keys, you erupt into a dramatic — if disproportionate — rendition of Chopin. The melodic massacre elicits curious glances and covered ears, but you beam unabashedly.

As sunset approaches, you make your way home, weary but fulfilled. From the kitchen, raucous laughter draws you in. You find your family and closest friends gathered around, raising their glasses in a toast. “To the extraordinary life of [your name here]!”

You are moved to tears at this impromptu send-off party. Even in your final hours, you are showered with love.

Bellies full, you all share fond memories late into the evening. Sides ache from laughing at hilarious anecdotes you had forgotten. Photos and videos remind you of monumental milestones as well as quiet joys.

Once goodbyes are said, you step out onto the moonlit patio for a moment of solitude. You gaze up at the vast night sky and ponder your small but precious place in this universe. A shooting star flares brightly for a second before vanishing into the darkness. Like you, it burned brightly, if only for a short time.

Finally, you crawl into bed, more at peace than ever before. As your head sinks into the pillow, a smile crosses your face. Today you finally broke free — from doubt, complacency, and the shackles of time. As your eyes grow heavy, your last thoughts echo…

If you live each day as if it were your last, one day you’ll surely be right.



Ex Investment Banker writing about Self Improvement, Philosophy, and Economy