Life Is So Terrible and Beautiful at the Same Time

The Sun Rises While Dark Clouds Loom

The Taoist Online
Published in
5 min readJan 8, 2024


Photo by Ravi Patel on Unsplash

The alarm blares like a foghorn at dawn, jolting me from dreams of tropical beaches back to the harsh reality of my dreary cubicle. As I stumble bleary-eyed to the shower, I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror — droopy eyes underlined by dark circles, hair sticking up at odd angles like I stuck my finger in an electrical outlet. Not exactly a pretty sight first thing in the morning.

The scalding water shocks me awake, dispersing the fantasies of my island getaway. I’ve got deadlines to meet, projects to finish, and responsibilities to fulfill. No rest for the weary in this rat race we call life.

After squeezing into clothes that seemed to fit better yesterday and gulping down a hasty breakfast, I battle rush hour traffic like a warrior charging into battle. Horns blare, and tempers flare, but I finally make it to the office just in time for our morning meeting.

My boss rambles on about profit margins and performance metrics while I fantasize about lying on the beach with the sun kissing my skin. The fluorescent lights seem extra harsh today, glinting off the motivational posters like an alien interrogation chamber.

The day drags on, a marathon through molasses. I plow through paperwork, nurse my third cup of burnt coffee, and try not to glance at the clock too often. I swear it’s moving backward just to taunt me.

Lunch break finally arrives like an oasis in the desert. I savor every bite of my slightly mushy microwave meal like it’s a five-star gourmet feast. For thirty blissful minutes, I escape into the pages of a thrilling novel, transported to a world where cash flow projections don’t exist.

But just like that, reality yanks me back under fluorescent lighting, and the endless trudge resumes. Emails pile up demanding immediate responses while urgent voices leave rambling messages about priorities and deadlines – my head pounds to the beat of the ticking clock.

Somehow, I slog through the afternoon, bleary-eyed and powered by caffeine alone. As I walk out of the office building, I stop and tilt my face skyward. The amber glow of sunset kisses my skin, a reminder that even the dreariest days have beams of beauty.

My grumbling stomach guides me to a cozy cafe, where the aroma of fresh bread and sizzling onions wraps around me like a familiar embrace. For a few precious moments, I let the clamor of the day fall away as I savor the simple joy of good food shared among friends. Laughter, connection, community — this is the soul food that nourishes us.

The blare of horns and screech of brakes shatters our reprieve. A stream of flashing lights and wailing sirens hurtles past, amplified urgency cleaving through the cozy warmth of our cafe haven. In one piercing instant, the fragile nature of life splinters through our illusion of safety.

Later that evening, a familiar loneliness creeps in as I crawl between cool sheets in a darkened bedroom. My limbs ache for the comfort of another; my heart yearns for the miracle of true companionship. But for now, this yearning must remain unfulfilled, a bittersweet reminder of our intrinsic need for human connection.

As sleep’s embrace finally shuts out the drone of the day, flickers of dreams transport me once more. I’m dancing atop a moonlit beach, the salty breeze kissing my skin as strong arms twirl me beneath a canopy of stars. The luminous vastness reminds me how small we each are, yet how deep we can love.

Morning arrives once more, the harsh bleat of the alarm piercing the fantasy. As I stare up at the cracks in the ceiling, last night’s dream lingers like a fading scent. For a moment, I let the memory infuse me with hope.

Yes, life can be a harsh taskmaster — an endless gauntlet of grueling obligations and wearying routines. The grind of each day often feels like a slow march toward oblivion.

Yet woven into the dreary fabric are shimmering threads of light — laughter with friends, the bliss of human touch, the wonder of dreams. Brief but beautiful reminders that we are not merely machines churning out work but creatures capable of soaring emotion and transcendent joy.

So, I rise to greet this new day not merely with resignation but with purpose. I will complete the necessary tasks and fulfill my duties and responsibilities. But I will also sip the elixir of human connection, feel the wonder of life’s fleeting miracles, and open myself to love in all its forms.

This day, like all days, will blend light and dark in imperfect harmony. There will be boredom and heartache, failure and frustration. Moments will arise that make me question the very meaning of my small existence.

Yet the spectrum that makes life so painful also makes it exquisite. The contrast reveals beauty. Heartbreak illuminates the power of love. Boredom kindles appreciation for wonder. The only true failure lies in numbing myself to the riotous highs and lows of this remarkable ride.

I step into the shower, wince at my reflection, and gulp my coffee – the routine resumes. But within me stirs a new awareness, a blossoming gratitude, and readiness to mine the gems hidden in the rubble. The miracles that make the dreary toil worthwhile.

For this is the extraordinary ordinary life we’ve been given. Imperfect, transient, and impossibly precious. A tapestry woven in equal parts chaos and design, but nonetheless breathtaking in its improbable beauty.

So, I will embrace the long hours, the boredom, delays, and disappointments. And I will also wring from them every drop of joy, laughter, truth, and transcendence my weary heart can hold. This is the journey we all share — learning to find beauty etched into life’s imperfect design. An art we each must master as we walk the crooked path to love, wisdom, and grace.



Ex Investment Banker writing about Self Improvement, Philosophy, and Economy