
Escaping their velocity

Roman Newell
The Interstitial
Published in
4 min readJun 14, 2024


Photo by Yusuf Sabqi on Unsplash.

No one knows where I came from. Not even me. Why I’m stuck. Why I entered a JG Ballard High Rise through the 27th floor window like spec ops. Or a bird. Glass flower shattered on the floor, I crush shards beneath tan Converse. Toilet been running like a melody for hours. New era ASMR. I go to the window and look at the streets. Utter madness in their walking. A competitive frenzy to do as they’re told.



Roman Newell
The Interstitial

Busy working on my novel, 20XX. I also talk about the writing journey on Substack. romannewell.substack.com.