Why You Don’t Need to Wake up Ridiculously Early

Early rising is scientifically futile for 70% of humans.

Niharikaa Kaur Sodhi
The Startup


Waking up early is marketed as the secret to succeeding at everything in life. Self-help books and articles eternally mention the benefits of waking up early, and how this is the one hack to achieve all your goals.

According to an analysis by Forbes from various studies, waking up early is proven to improve:




I am personally an early-riser too because I like to move and meditate in the morning. It helps me set the tone for my day. That being said, it isn’t a rule of life everybody has to abide with. For the longest time during university, I never understood my classmates who would sleep at 3:00 a.m. and wake up at noon. I always thought that they’re wasting away their life and are unhealthy.

But we need to stop shaming them, not just out of kindness but because science says that our brains are wired differently when it comes to our sleep clock.

Dr Matthew Walker is one of the greatest intellectuals who has contributed to over 100 scientific studies focussing on the impact of sleep on health. He is currently the director of the Center for Human…

